travel, regions, school and curfew



New Dpcm arrive: travel, regions, school and curfew

No travel between regions, curfews, second homes, schools closed until Christmas. The arrival of the new Dpcm takes shape from the confrontation between the government and the regions with a view to the next measure. The current dpcm expires on December 3, the new one will always be characterized by prudence and caution. “We have an epidemic that is still very strong. Although after many very difficult weeks, we are seeing signs that are going in the right direction,” said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on the day that will be characterized by new data from monitoring on the coronavirus emergency (Prime Minister Conte expected a further decrease in RT), which could lead to news for the regions between the red zone, the orange zone and the yellow zone Even the regions included in the lower risk zone , the yellow ones, could be included in the new Dpcm in the general prohibition to travel from one region to another, with few justified exceptions. Within the yellow regions it might be possible to move from one municipality to another, perhaps to reach second homes during the Christmas period.

The line of prudence seems destined to influence decisions related to schools as well. The hypothesis of the reopening on December 9 clashes with the orientation expressed by the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia. “Is it worth taking the risk, opening on December 9 and closing immediately after the 23rd, for a Christmas ‘flash’? I think it would be better to reopen schools in a ‘solid’ way after Epiphany, obviously always based on the infection situation, ”said the president of Veneto.

Chapter of the curfew: the hypothesis of a relaxation of the measures during the Christmas period does not seem founded, judging by the words of the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia: “That the baby Jesus was born two hours earlier would not be heresy”, he said in reference to the mass. Christmas.

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