A new Dpcm to regulate the procedures for the completion of the end of the year holidays. “It will be a Christmas sober“, announced Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who by December 3 will have to give life to another decree that will contain extraordinary and specific measures on December 25. The government is already working on a” special plan “and is studying all the hypotheses in the field to save the health of the Italians on the one hand and the economy on the other. Thus the difference between the penal wing and the softer wing is again accentuated, but all agree that it will not be necessary to replicate the mistakes committed in the summer: “We cannot allow the end of the year to be like Ferragosto“.
That is why we can already begin to think about the probable new measures: from dinners to invitations at home to bingo, the chessboard of freedom and the prohibitions that will characterize our Christmas are outlined day after day. The executive, however, put to the test among infinite Doubts and perplexity about the upcoming rules, has already focused on snow holidays ever since, attracting fans of ski sports and stays in Montana – “would be paired with carefree vacations, disco nights, last summer“. Therefore, as the Prime Minister reiterated last night at half past eight La7, the ski lifts will most likely remain closed: “We can’t afford to keep them open“.
Relocations and reunions
We are currently unable to move to Regions located in the “orange” or “red” band, except for work, health and emergency reasons that in any case must be justified with self-certification. Conte is hopeful that by the end of the month, if the trend continues in this direction, there will be no more “red” areas: “We are working on the change between Regions at Christmas, but if we continue like this at the end of the month we will no longer have red zones. But the Christmas period requires ad hoc measures“At the base of every choice remains the conviction that allowing all occasions sociability typical of the Christmas season “It’s not possible“.
Furthermore, the possibility of inserting a rule that allows family reunification even for those in “orange” or “red” areas is being considered. The intention is to identify some specific situations avoiding that everything translates into totally free mobility, limiting the repeal to only close relatives: parents, children, partners and spouses who are not residents or domiciled in that place. However, it must be emphasized that it will not be possible to bring entire families together in one house. There is no shortage of complaints from some ministers who fear a dangerous increase in the contagion curve.