
Minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee full of erasures and omissions. Luckily it had to be a transparency operation. The Cts minutes on Covid have appeared on the Civil Protection website. But nothing to do. The pages are full of erasures, when they are not completely obscured. Not to mention that some deletions are incomprehensible to say the least, as they also refer to the names (known to all) of the technical committee members. That the fury of transparency has made us lose our lucidity?
And there are those who enter the bottom of the act. “From the declassified documents we learn that on February 7 the CTS had alerted the government about the risks associated with returning children from China to going back to school. Well, four days earlier, at the February 3 meeting at Palazzo Chigi, Forza Italia asked for certain protocols to reassure families about the presence at school of students who have returned from China, even if they did not show symptoms of infection. by coronavirus. It was an elementary precautionary principle, evidently also shared by the Scientific Technical Committee, but the government accused us of alarming and someone also spoke of a racist approach to the epidemic. Today we have confirmation that it was a serious mistake, dictated by the ideological legacy of the left for which the only danger was not the Coronavirus, but the virus of racism. This was stated in a note by the president of the Forza Italia senators Anna Maria Bernini.