
SO.GE.S, a company of the Orizzonte Scuola SRL Group, regularly recognized by the Ministry of Education as an accredited training institution, has activated training packages aimed at schools for the training of teachers in various subjects.
Schools can choose one or more training packages consisting of two courses. In addition, it is possible to form packages by choosing the titles of the catalog that is linked at the bottom of the page.
The number of subscribers for each package is unlimited and the cost is 600 euros. The purchase of the packages gives the right to obtain the Certification for school teachers, valid for training purposes according to directive 170 of 2016. We remind you that all courses on the platform still have free registration and use.
Available packages
Distance education
1. Distance learning: normative, methodological, pedagogical, didactic and organizational aspects
2. G Suite for Education by Google, updated course with the latest features, or alternatively, distance learning with Microsoft Teams
Manage class better
1. Handling “conflictive” situations, improving communication and relational style in the classroom through neurolinguistic programming
2. SEN and SLD, how to deal with “problem” behaviors. Techniques for managing the class
School inclusion
1. BES-DSA Who they are and how to manage them
2. Inclusion: regulatory framework, planning and planning of teaching
Coding at school
1. Coding
2. Coding with Code.org and serious games
Digital educational innovation
1. Flipped classroom
2. Innovative teaching with Scratch
Improve communication
1. Communicate effectively and assertively with students and colleagues, with the basic concepts of NLP.
2. Emotional intelligence: develop emotional skills to support teaching and be more effective
Neuroscience and didactics
1. How students learn and how teachers teach
2. Design and evaluate an effective educational path
It is possible, on request, to form unlisted packages by choosing courses from our catalog.
Courses on request
It is also possible to apply to our training institution for courses not included in the catalog, but which respond to the needs of the training plan approved by the collegiate bodies.
Or contact us
E-mail: [email protected]