Towards the red and orange zone from December 24 to January 3


The Conte government plans to introduce the red zone on holidays and before the holidays during the holidays, but also to limit mobility on other days by introducing the orange zone throughout Italy. After the rumors of the last days, this is confirmed today by the Undersecretary of the Interior, Carlo Sibilia, during a speech in Agorà en Raitre: “Today the hypotheses on the table are: from December 24 to 27, the red zone of Italy, 28- 30 Italy’s orange zone: from January 31 to the red zone 3. This is the hypothesis on the table today. ”Meanwhile, however, the regions move by themselves: after Veneto, Lazio announces the red zone. And the Ansa news agency assures that the hypothesis of a red zone from December 24 to January 3 is still on the government table. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, confirms in relation to a meeting organized by Fnomceo (National Federation of Medical Orders): “We are closing the definitive measures that we must communicate to the country and that will be taken in the coming days: they anticipate a significant tightening between December 24″ and January 6. ” The meeting between Conte and the heads of delegation resumed at 1.30 pm.

EDIT mineral 14.51: National red zone from December 24 to January 6 on holidays and the eve of holidays. This is what is learned while meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of the majority delegation. The other days, December 28, 29, 30, will be the ‘orange’ zone. On orange days it will be possible to move between municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants. (AdnKronos)

Towards the red and orange zone from December 24 to January 3

Today also Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, spoke about the orange zone on Radio also on Rai Radio 1: “We have repeatedly said that we give scientific indications, then it is up to the government and local governors to make the most appropriate decision for that specific territory. We give indications and our indications are of great extreme concern for the trend of the epidemic curve. And therefore, now we need to reduce these concerns to reactions and interventions that must be carried out and therefore the red zone or orange zone but in all cases reduces mobility, reduces encounters and reduces all chances of spread. The curve is still high risk, the numbers are too high. ” The hypothesis of introducing more restrictions even on non-public days or days before holidays had been raised in recent days, while the government has not yet decided whether to introduce the new rules that will be valid for all of Italy will be a Dpcm, a decree law or both as is. It happened between December 2 and 3.

The period from January 4 to 6, or the feast of the Epiphany, is still out of calculation: in the government the rigorist wing has asked to dye the Befana festival in red (that is, January 5 and 6) and this It means that in the case the 4 would also be “orange”. But for now the government has not yet decided: from 12 to 15 a meeting with the Presidents of the Regions is scheduled in which in theory the new measures for the closure of Christmas 2020. But it does not seem that a agreement neither on the bases nor on the exceptions, among which are the two guests invited to the Christmas lunch and the possibility of extending the assistance to the so-called relatives, as in last May. .

On the other hand, some governors have already aligned themselves: “Today we will have the definitive meeting between the government and the Regions. There are two hypotheses in the field: a red zone that continues from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, or alternates with a few days of detente “I would favor this second hypothesis. So it is evident that it is not an easy choice to make”, said the president of the Emilia Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini, interviewed in Mattino Cinque. On the other hand, the Ligurian Giovanni Toti openly opposes: “Restaurateurs, bartenders, suppliers still don’t know if and when we will go to the red zone and we are in a limbo that only creates more difficulties in an already dramatic period.”

Red and orange zone: the differences

What changes from the orange zone to the red zone? In the first place, it should be taken into account that, except for (unlikely) last minute changes, the prohibition of interregional traffic will enter into force on December 21, decided by Decree Law December 2 n. 158. According to the program not yet announced by the government, from December 24 to 27, the whole of Italy will be in the red zone and therefore it will be forbidden to leave the house except for proven reasons of work, health or necessity. The restriction will be relaxed from December 28-30 and will take effect again in the next three days. And therefore:

  • From December 24 to 27, Italy will be in the red zone: bars and restaurants will be closed and it will not be possible to go out except for work and health reasons, needs that will be verified by self-certification; you will be able to go out for mass and the government is also discussing an exemption to allow Christmas lunch with a maximum of two close relatives: elderly parents or children;
  • From December 28 to 30, restrictions will be relaxed again: shops will reopen until 9:00 p.m. and restaurants and bars will be open until 6:00 p.m. however, the curfew will be in effect from 10 pm to 5 am;
  • the December 28-30 program could partially change if instead the government proclaims the orange zone throughout Italy; In that case, restaurants and bars will be closed and you will not be able to leave your municipality except for the three cases of work, health, necessity and urgency;
  • From December 31 to January 3, red zone restrictions will re-apply.

The fundamental difference between the red and orange zones is that in the red zone it is forbidden to leave the house except for reasons of work, health or extreme necessity and urgency (but it is always allowed to go home). In the orange zone, however, it is forbidden to move “alone” from the municipality or region itself. In the red area, all stores are closed except for food and basic necessities. In the orange, the shops are open but the bars and restaurants are closed.

EDIT mineral 11.52: On the sidelines of an initiative in Rome, to those who asked him if the possible disposition of the Region could foresee that Lazio would become the red zone of the Christmas holidays, Zingaretti replied: “We will discuss it with the Councilor for Health ‘D’ Dear friends and with the scientific committee. I trust that today there will be decisions that allow everyone to orient themselves: but if there is no national provision, surely Lazio will have a regional ordinance to spend Christmas and the New Year safely “, concluded Zingaretti.

EDIT mineral 12.30: The Ansa news agency writes that the discussion about the red zone is still ongoing. The agency learns of this on the sidelines of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s meeting with heads of delegation and Minister Boccia, which is now suspended. We would be discussing whether to introduce the red zone on public holidays and holidays leading up to December 24 to January 3, or whether to extend the stricter rules, as some ministers ask, until January 6.
