ROME. Too early to reopen in mid-January (with the expiration of the Dpcm) gyms, cinemas, concert halls and beauty centers. The government is moving towards postponing the restart of activities considered by scientists as having a high risk of contagion. The restart of these sectors, according to the executive informed by virologists and infectious diseases, would raise the contagion curve again. The beginning of the resumption of the sporting activity will in any case be conditional on compliance with strict regulations and may not take place on January 15, as was initially planned. The stop at the discos will surely continue further, even in light of what happened last summer with the temporary reopening and the rapid closure of the gatherings and the breach of security measures in the venue. Excluding the resumption of large events, discos and all those occasions in which a large number of people are expected in the same place.
Epidemiological data
For the reopening, the government will follow the principle of gradualism, taking the trend of the curve as a fundamental parameter ”. To schedule restarts, the Rt contagion rate must drop to at least 0.5 Near the Christmas holidays, a crack had arrived (which now seems to have vanished) for the resumption of sports activity in twenty days, especially for young people , from the Minister of Youth and Sports Policies, Vincenzo Spadafora: “Let’s see how these days go and if we can create the conditions to avoid a third wave. We are working at all the necessary levels to try to reopen the gyms and swimming pools in January Epidemiological data continues to fluctuate. I have received many messages from athletes who complained about the closure of gyms and swimming pools and highlighted the crowds of people on the streets. The decision that led to the closure of gyms and swimming pools has complex reasons and aims to limit the trips. And this also includes the closings of museums and cinemas. There are no criteria to sanction the sport “.
Cts and Regioni
With an Rpt index of 15%, reopening times are inevitably longer than on January 15, when the current Dpcm expires. Based on the discussion with the Scientific Technical Committee and the Regions, the government is outlining precautions and rules for a future reopening. Starting with a more marked share in the number of accesses to gyms and swimming pools, as well as the closing of changing rooms to clients. Among the hypotheses is that of the one-to-one relationship: one instructor for each lesson. The first to restart will be the sports specialties that can be played individually.
The recovery of cinemas and theaters, as well as that of concert halls, is also likely to be postponed. Here the difficulty lies both in what happens inside the structures and from the outside with the lines at the entrances. The reopening of the museums will be conditional on limited entries and always with reservation to avoid crowds inside. The restaurateurs, for their part, ask to be able to receive customers for lunch and dinner, overcoming the limitations that until January 15 allow a maximum of four people at the table.