
“You really want to shoulder the burden of overthrowing the government in the midst of a pandemic and do it with Matteo Salvini?“This is the meaning of the speech that Giuseppe Conte he could hold out in Parliament to corner everyone, should he decide to ask for a vote of confidence. The political background comes from The newspaper, according to which two ministers loyal to the prime minister would have warned him about Matteo renzi, which this time could be serious: “President, have you heard him speak in the Senate? The government crisis is about to open, we must prevent their movements ”. And so, to avoid it, the lawyer of the supposed town wanted to “exploit” Salvini, shake the bogeyman of the Northern League. Dirty move. A move that gives the figure of how much Conte is attached to his chair.

One way to stop Renzi would be to appear in front of the cameras and at that moment Conte would have the ball in his hand, understanding that otherwise The newspaper is convinced that there is no shortage of clues for the start of a crisis in early 2021: “On Epiphany we put the word ‘end’ in the film Conte bis”, is the voice that comes from Italia Viva. Among other things, the crisis would also be easily justifiable by Renzi, who in Recovery Fund it continues to reiterate on all occasions that not taking advantage of the unique opportunities that Europe offers would be the gravest mistake. “I’m playing the bone with the content, not with the political quarrels,” would be the thought expressed by the scrapper to his loyalists. Although second The newspaper you have to pay attention to any surprise move: Italia Viva could leave the executive, but out of a sense of responsibility could not take away his confidence.