“Towards distance education and contingent assistance in shopping centers”


Health, relations with the municipalities and sports. These are the three areas of intervention of the ordinance signed this morning by the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani. Extraordinary measures planned for the containment of the Covid and its dissemination in the regional territory. As announced during the visit to the San Donato hospital, the governor wrote down some directives and advanced others that, in all probability, could be promulgated next week.

We are in a situation of clear emergency – Giani started live on Facebook – Only today 1,526 new infections are registered. It is clear that we must work to ensure that the numbers are back under control. We must create a mechanism that empowers us for self-responsibility to avoid opportunities. The ordinance is the first in a set of measures that we will adopt between now and next week that will be divided into five chapters. The first three are in the ordinance that I signed today and that will go into effect tomorrow, October 25. The other two measures will be taken on Monday and Tuesday and will affect the school and shopping centers “.”

There are three areas of action of the ordinance. The first is what concerns the health care. After the squeeze of visits to hospital patients, as of today it will no longer be possible to access the rooms except to give support “to extremely weak or fragile patients.” But, even in this case, “Visits will be supervised and may not last more than a few tens of minutes”. Precise measures also for diagnostic and prevention activities. “We are prepared to install Covid tracking centers in all ASLs in the region. Here, also through the extraordinary hiring of technicians and health workers, a mapping of infections can be carried out, reconstructing the chain of transmission for each individual patient. “. thus it will be possible to create a real geography of the virus. To this we add the start-up of a coordination center where all the data collected can be compared and structured “. Also bought 50 thousand rapid tests that “They will be made available to all that segment of the population that, for worked reasons, is more exposed to the risk of contagion”. And it is always in this context that President Giani remembers how “The situation in the intensive care units is still manageable. There are 550 beds available and 87 of them are occupied. 1,500, on the other hand, are the places in health hotels that we have planned ”.

The other sphere of action of the ordinance concerns relations with municipalities. “The first citizens who will want to undertake more restrictive ordinances – he added – they will have the maximum support from us. The goal is to counteract the spread of the virus by all means and avoid potential reunions. Therefore, if the mayors to pursue this objective will have to resort to more restrictive ordinances, as foreseen in the last decree of the president of the council of ministers, they will find support in the Tuscany Region. I repeat, it is necessary to oppose the gatherings in all the senses. We will organize ourselves so that the mobility of people occurs safely and in full compliance with personal and work needs but, at the same time, I appeal to all citizens to behave responsibly ”.

Stop even there regional sports championships. This is the third and last measure introduced within the ordinance. A choice that aims to avoid contact opportunities as much as possible. “The trainings can be carried out in accordance with the anti-Covid protocols – Giani explained – but the competitions are stopped for the moment. We have also interpreted the will of a large part of the world of sport, which has shown us some important difficulties ”. From tomorrow until November 14, therefore, all activities of recognized competitions and competitions of regional, provincial or local interest by the Coni, the CIP and the respective national sports federations, in relation to all contact sports, are suspended. Training is allowed.

Fans, it’s official: stop at the championships

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And then there are the issues, currently pending, related to school and commercial activities. Neither is listed in the ordinance, but it should in no way be excluded that there are specific provisions in this regard. “Monday in the morning – Giani explains – I’ll meet the regional director. With it we will have the opportunity to evaluate the actions to be taken to reduce school activity in the presence and favor the remote. We think that this alternation could be applied to 2nd and 3rd grade of secondary school and 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade of secondary school. We want to determine a kind of staggering of presences within the institutes. Anci representatives will also be present at the table ”. And then Tuesday’s meeting with trade associations to discuss the future of malls. “As also happened in other regions – he continues – we must try to promote containment activities. With the economic categories, we will have to plan together a strategy of presence contingency. Precisely to give the possibility of managing well the next months that await us ”.
