The deal is done, the challenge begins now. The negotiating party on postal relations closed at eleven o’clock on Christmas Eve Brexi Between Britain me EU – and awaiting the obvious ratification processes of parliaments, which Westminster will begin on December 30 – the new era is ushering in for all on the edge of January 1. With many things destined to change for both sides of the Channel after half a century of marriage between the island and the mainland: among them thousands of Italians who look or have looked at the Kingdom as a tourist, work, study and adventure destination. The most immediate and widely announced change will refer, in a more severe and restrictive sense, to travel rules. Therefore, as of the new year, freedom of movement as it is understood today ceases to exist. You will need a passport (without a visa) to travel to the Kingdom. But there are many pressures that also affect study and work.
Brexit, deal done. All winners, not losers
I study
With the UK out of the program Erasmus, UK universities can no longer be a destination for the popular exchange program. So far, the 150,000 European students in the country -but in the year of the Covid the number already dropped- have always paid like the British, that is, about 10,000 euros in England, and whoever arrives before December 31 will continue doing so, provided that you have registered for “settled status” or “prior settled status”, that is, permanent residence permit (there is time until June for latecomers). Those who arrive in 2021 must instead have a student visa of 380 euros if they want to study in the country for more than six months and between 10,000 and 13,000 euros in the account to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to be able to support themselves. . You will also have to pay 500 euros a year to use the NHS health service. Those who start after August 2021 will have the same rates applied as the rest of international students, that is, between 13 thousand and 33 thousand euros per year, not counting the cost of food and accommodation. A bachelor’s degree has an average duration of three years. Italians will no longer have access to loans from the British government to pay for university fees and general studies.
In order to free movement of people, travelers who want to stay in the UK for more than 90 days will need a visa, while for ordinary tourists it will not be necessary, even if they will be forced to use a passport, which must have a validity. residual of at least six months. The identity card, in fact, will no longer be valid as an expatriation document from October 2021 for security reasons, they are too easy to forge, but the loss of access to the Schengen SIS II database on missing persons or those involved in terrorist activities and car and gun theft will make the job of British law enforcement much more difficult. Reciprocal arrangements have been made for “business trips and temporary transfers of highly specialized personnel”, but obviously the exchanges will be less fluid than in the past. Telephone roaming charges may returnAlthough major UK carriers have said they don’t want them, and to travel with animals to the UK they will need a UK health certificate or European pet passport.
Brexit, UK claims victory in negotiations
The play
As of December 23, 2020, European citizens will no longer have the right to work, study, start a business or live in the UK, unless they have already acquired the right to remain with ‘settled status’. Those who want to relocate will need a work permit and will follow the same procedure as citizens of the rest of the world: a “flexible” points system, with a “privileged path” for those who work in health, designed to attract skilled workers and dissuade others. . With the possibility, if a certain sector of the economy requires it, to loosen ties to bring in even unskilled personnel. Those who speak English well will be favored, those with an offer from a recognized employer, those who earn at least 25,600 pounds, or 28,350 euros a year and those who work in key sectors such as engineering, while the doors will be closed for those with more than one criminal record – even only for robbery, theft or shoplifting, and anyone who has had sentences of more than one year or has been classified as socially dangerous. There will no longer be automatic recognition of professional qualifications and it will be necessary to request their recognition, even if there is a framework in the agreement that facilitates the process.
The financial services game remains open between the UK and Europe. London is confident that it is not destined, at least in the short or medium term, to lose its role as a European financial center. London’s financial market has prospered in recent decades, and the British capital has become the Union’s main center for credit, trade and investment. However, the future is yet to be written and the actual size and influence of the city (which in the past also attracted many Italians) is being discussed. It’s unclear how the deal will affect the financial services industry. The parties agreed during the Brexit negotiations to discuss the issues affecting the sector separately. The UK government said in a document that the understanding includes provisions in favor of trade in services, including financial and legal. In any case, as of January 1, British companies will lose automatic access to the European single market. In order to have relationships with EU clients, UK financial institutions will need to receive equivalent rights under which Brussels will allow them to manage certain activities. As was the case with clearing houses, clearing houses that serve to ensure that transactions are honored even in the event of default.
Covid variant, EU recommendations accepted: partial opening of borders to the UK
The EU offers Britain access to its market of 450 million consumers without customs duties or quotas on all goods that meet the appropriate rules of origin. This avoids a break in production chains, an undoubted success for the UK, which will, however, have to respect precise rules. In fact, this opening will be accompanied by strict conditions: companies throughout the Canal will have to respect a series of regulations regarding the environment, labor and tax legislation to avoid any dumping. The agreement, according to an analysis by Coldiretti, saves 3.4 billion euros in agri-food exports to Great Britain, the only Made in Italy sector that grew abroad in 2020 despite the recession caused by the pandemic. In fact, the entrepreneurs of the agri-food sector were the first to breathe a sigh of relief. after the Brexit agreements. The value of its exports is, in fact, the first item of Italian exports to the United Kingdom, combining agricultural, fishery and forestry products (286 million), food (2,133) and beverages (1,020). Wine, processed vegetables, pasta, desserts, cheeses and prepared meats are in order the Italian foods increasingly bought by the British: + 43% in the last ten years and even with a positive sign (although only + 1%) during 2020.
Last updated: 15:03