Sunday, November 1, 2020, 11:00 am and 58:00 pm.
The President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni toti, committed to discussing with the government and his colleagues on policies to contain the second pandemic wave, expressed his opinion on the priorities. In fact, tweet: those over 70 “They are not fundamental for the productive effort of the country”. Therefore, sacrificabili.
Open the sky! All the beautiful souls of the country, productive and non-productive, rise up in outrage against the words of this “gentleman” blessed with the good fortune of managing a region that is too small and now economically marginal for the information system to realize in the last few months that – with him Lombardy – Now it is the “black jersey” in terms of infections. Always this man who was re-elected by plebiscite last September thanks to the karakiri of an opposition that did not want to win the elections, despite the initial challenge to the position. That’s to beat that Right para-salviniana that in the previous administrative cycle he had distinguished himself only by the sale of public health (in the wake of those who had preceded him, but also by pursuing the discredited / infamous “Lombard model”, loved by the man Mediaset Toti) and advocating for crazy recipes in the field of Disneyland type tourism to the Briatore; on the presumption of attracting Arab petrodollars and / or rubles of the post-Soviet oligarchs to a coastal strip of fragile beauty.
Suicide, that of the Ligurian center-left, lucidly announced and persecuted; of which one of the main promoters was Andrea Orlando, much more interested in normalizing the local Democratic Party than in ensuring alternative political directions in a territory in total free fall. That Orlando who today plays the target of outrage over the politically incorrect words of others. But what to expect from someone like him, a career civil servant at the La Spezia PC, who set out to conquer a place under the Roman sun?
On the other hand, it can be said: why so much outrage astonished by the infamous Totiana joke? When it is only revealing of an absolutely clear truthIf you want to see it: if such characters lift only one edge of the mask of affable benevolence with which they hide their true ethical profile, all the horror of cynicism to the nth degree jumps out. That disgusting democratic citizenship that brought its true mentor and inspiration – Silvio Berlusconi – theorize that “the audience is a twelve-year-old, not even too smart.” People imbued with a deep contempt towards those who do not walk in the circuit of privilege and ostentatious riches, to which they had access through, at the time, servile and unscrupulous promotions. People who identify with the new peasant bourgeoisie, whose wealth has origins that are not always too clear. In the case, the club of politics as a social elevator that blatantly registers cross memberships.
After all, he was the French president, the socialist Francois hollande – define deserters as “toothless ones”; and the then prime minister Matteo renzi “Losers” those who had lost their jobs.
Nothing new under the sun. Since the time when Étienne de la Boétie, Montaigne’s great friend, stigmatizes the combination of tyranny / servitude in characters who rise “thanks to favors or advantages, gains or traps”. Except that in recent decades the dominant hoarding ideology has legitimized their worst instincts. That unrivaled and divisive ideological wave, coming from the Anglo-Saxon world, which has spread the cult of wealth at any price and degraded every trace of criticism of its excesses to “social envy.”
After all, Toti, loud and reckless, has only expressed what you really think. The (dis) values of the upstart world “with warm feet”, which does not know what to do with the poor and only raises the problem of how to keep them at bay.
Many of those who criticize him now, down, down, think exactly the same way.
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