Toti (Liguria): “With this political uncertainty in Liguria the schools will not open again”



The governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, “threatens” to issue an ordinance such as that of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia that postpones the return to school.

Conte said yesterday that the school would open on January 7, so Minister Speranza called us to tell us that we do not know how we will open and in which regions, if we will be red or orange. Given the uncertainty about what will happen from Monday 7 and 8, Ligurian schools will not open. I hope the government will take responsibility or else I will make an ordinance, as other governors have already done“. He said this to Tg Com 24 the president of Liguria, Giovanni Toti.

I would like to know from Monday what intentions the government has with the school because if the rules change tonight it is one thing, but if from Monday some regions will be orange or red some schools will close again so the children must go the Thursday and Friday and then stay away. new home. What are we talking about?Toti added.

Reopening of schools, the Regions decide in no particular order. Council of Ministers at night by decree with measures to be taken

