Toti encloses Liguria. There is a “curfew” starting at 9:00 pm for Halloween weekend. “To avoid meetings” / The ordinance


The extension of the measure, already adopted in the municipality of Genoa, to the entire territory of Liguria from Friday 21st of November 30th to Monday 6th of November 2nd, what has mobility limitations and the reduction to 60% of the occupancy threshold for local public transport on urban and extra-urban lines (excluding rail transport).

Update: the Liguria Region, regarding mobility limitations, has sent an additional explanatory note.

“With reference to the extension throughout the territory of the measure related to mobility limitations, it is specified that These limitations refer to the evening / night schedule, from 9 pm to 6 am the next day. Thus: from 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 30 to 6:00 a.m. on Saturday 31, from 9:00 p.m. on 31st to 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 1 and from 9:00 p.m. on November 1 to 6:00 a.m. on Monday 2 of November “.

Their two measures taken by the president of the Liguria region, Giovanni Toti through specific ordinances, shared with i mayors of capitals and with Anci Liguria.

Coronavirus: Toti locks up Liguria, here are the details

Regarding the limitation of mobility, “The extension of the ‘Genoa model’ to the rest of Liguria in the coming nights it is essential to give a strong message, especially to Young people: We want to prevent our children from being at risk of possible infections, lowering our guard during the next weekend, when Halloween is usually celebrated. Responsibility and the utmost prudence must prevail. This is not a curfew, but a strong recommendation to limit travel., if it is not essential, avoiding the occasions of reunion or aggregation that in some way could favor the contagion “.

According to the ordinance, it is allowed get in me outside gives House or give exercises legitimately open is allowed move by work needs, sports activity OR physical education individual, situations of need OR reasons from greeting.

“Beyond this specific measure – Toti adds we make a strong recommendation to the elderly and frail people to lead a life of retirement, avoiding crowded places and any potentially dangerous situation “.

Ordinance Tpl (attached) – Regarding local public transport, the measure, which lowers the filling threshold to 60%, will come into effect on Saturday, October 31 and refers to local public transport on urban and extra-urban lines, excluding regional rail transport and premises run by the Liguria Region.

It is one more sign for citizens to always pay close attention when traveling. – Explains the councilor for transport Gianni Berrino -. This is combined with the request to always respect the rule of wearing a mask and sanitizing hands. We also ask citizens for their cooperation to avoid crowds at stops, as transport companies have already facilitated additional trips on the busiest lines, precisely to ensure that no one is left on foot or has to get on a bus that is too crowded ” .


Regione Liguria extends the ‘safe transport’ notice to more than 75, that is, the possibility of requesting a voucher to obtain a prepaid card of 250 euros that will be collected at the Carige counters (selected by the beneficiary at the time of completing the application from the 62 counters made available) and to be spent from November 9 in the regional network of taxis and rental services with driver (NCC), with a limit of use for each trip equal to 30 EUR.

“The objective – explains the councilor for social policies Ilaria Cavo – aims to reduce the risk of contagion for the elderly, who are more exposed to possible complications in the event of contagion even in the absence of other pathologies. We want to know the over 75, therefore a part of the population that we want to take special care of and that we want to protect. At the same time, this choice is in line with the other measures already taken to lighten local public transport ”.

The call, which maintains the budget of 2.2 million euros, it remains aimed at the categories for which it was initially designed or people suffering from rare diseases or exempted for pathologies that imply difficulty in walking or in possession of 100% recognition of civil disability and pregnant women. The deadline for submitting applications, through the online counter on the Filse website, is December 31, 2020. Recipients will receive a prepaid card that will have a chip that will allow it to be used only in taxis and NCCs and not for others. applications. Must be spent before June 30, 2021.

To date, 810 applications have already been submitted, of which about 700 have already been admitted to the benefit.

As of November 3, citizens who wish to apply will be able to contact the toll-free number 800180431 to receive qualified support in the compilation (even on holidays): it will be possible to have a telephone consultation or an appointment at one of the 26 branches ( attached list) of the Associations of Consumers and Users recognized by the Region and coordinated by the Institute of Consumers of Liguria. “Thanks to the support of consumer associations and Filse, which is training toll-free operators – concludes Commissioner Cavo We will do everything possible to limit the movement of fragile people, favoring the compilation of the application through telephone advice ”.
