YouTrend’s Lorenzo Pregliasco shared the latest results on Twitter poll carried out by Swg, according to only 37% of Italians trust the government’s handling of the Covid emergency. A percentage among the lowest in Europe, which confirms the reversal of the trend compared to last spring, when instead Giuseppe Conte it had Bulgarian percentages and the vast majority of Italians believed that the executive was working well against the pandemic, doing the only thing possible, namely a hard and pure blockade.
This time, however, delays, mistakes and a general lack of preparation are costing a lot in health and economic terms, but also in political terms, with the Conte government under the traction of Giallorossi no longer able to seize control. people and enforce anti-Covid measures. as before: SWG survey takes on embarrassing proportions for the executive if he thinks that in Germany 74% of the population trust Angela Merkel’s ability to fight the pandemic, although in France Macron is not doing much better at 38%. In general, from this survey it can be deduced that, in terms of behavior in the second wave, everyone is rejected, including citizens: the average vote for institutions is 5.2, for citizens 4.6, while specifically for the government is 5., 0 and oppositions is 4.2. None even remotely close to sufficiency, a sign that Italians are genuinely angry and disappointed at how the country as a whole is facing the second wave.
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