Total lockdown, the only solution for Lombard emergency room manager


ROME – Blockade, it’s a crash. And while the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Brusaferro says that a total blockade will come only as a last resort and therefore will be avoided as far as possible, experts continue to divide. The curve is now exponential, therefore, starting from the head of the COVID-19 Coordination for Lombard’s emergency departments Guido Bertolini, “The only thing that can be done is to close everything, a closure at the national level. The situation in the emergency room is dramatic, not only in Lombardy, but everywhere at the national level.”

Many speak of differences between regions. How Walter RicciardiProfessor of General and Applied Hygiene at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University of Rome and advisor to Minister Speranza. “There are areas of the country where transmission is exponential and the latest restrictions adopted that may be effective in the rest of the territory, in those areas are not valid to stop the infection. In Milan and Naples Covid can be caught by entering the bar, the restaurant , take the bus. Staying in close contact with a positive is very easy because the virus circulates a lot. In these areas, confinement is necessary, in other areas of the country it is not. We are in the presence of thousands of asymptomatic subjects who return home, where you don’t wear a mask, you kiss and hug “.

Covid, Ricciardi: “The blockade is necessary for Naples and Milan”

Ricciardi himself, head of the National Observatory of Health in the Regions together with Dr. Alessandro Solipaca, explains that the contagion curve has taken an exponential trend again, the main concern is that growth could once again increase the pressure on hospitals , particularly in intensive care. Up to 7 Regions have a “code red”, which reveals a very sustained increase in hospitalizations and intensive care compared to the acute phase registered in April.

Coronavirus, from Magistris to Ricciardi: “Blockade in Naples? Words are lead”

But the governor of Lombardy Fontana excludes the possibility of a real confinement: “I exclude that the conditions exist to predict hypotheses of this type, in fact, all our interventions go in the direction of avoiding any type of confinement”. The latest regional limitations for anti-Covid Lombardy will be “reaffirmed” in a new ordinance scheduled for today, necessary to adapt the one currently in force to the new Dpcm at a technical level.

Coronavirus, the new signed Dpcm. Conte: “We must do everything possible to protect health and the economy together.” Refreshments for companies

The virologist I pray On the other hand, who had said that he was in favor of tougher measures, now says he is “convinced that it is possible to turn the curve in a month if we are united and, in line with the new Dpcm, we will be able to reduce non-essential contacts. I realize that this is a Dpcm commitment, and that what pays is sociability, but if we manage to limit our contacts it is feasible to double the curve in a month ”.

Meanwhile, the latest report from the Higher Institute of Health, updated on October 20, highlights how while in the first weeks of the Covid epidemic “there was a higher percentage of serious, critical and positive deaths diagnosed with swabs performed post-mortem), over time there is a clear increase in asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic cases and a marked reduction in severe cases and deaths “. It is probable, says Flavio Riccardo of the ISS, that “more than 80% of all those who contract the infection are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic”. The data show the change over time in the clinical picture reported at the time of diagnosis of the confirmed cases of Covid-19: in the period July 20-October 20, asymptomatic patients represent 56.5% of the total molecular tests performed. In contrast, the percentage was equal to 15.1% in the first three months of the epidemic (February 20 – May 20). However, this does not mean letting our guard down because the increase is also due to the increase in swabs performed and because there is no scientific proof that an asymptomatic patient is not contagious.
