Total Alt of Regions in Conte’s Dpcm: “Cleanse only those with symptoms”


It is a confrontation between the Regions and the Government for the new Conte Dpcm. There is a no to the lockout of bars and restaurants starting at 6 in the afternoon and, among other things, also a request of a sanitary type: tampons only for the symptomatic. To put it in black and white, Stefano Bonaccini, President of the Conference of Regions and President of Emilia Romagna, in a one-page letter sent to the Prime Minister, Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and his colleague for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia. “In order for the work of the Local / Regional Health Authorities to be sustainable in times of emergency by reducing the workload due to difficulties in contact tracing, swabs (molecular or antigenic) should only be used for symptomatic contacts and close relatives (relatives and partners) in the evaluation of the Prevention Departments and the daily telephone call should be reserved for individuals in isolation or quarantine for specific cases regarding the evaluation of the public health operator. ”And the signing of the new anti-corruption decree is postponed. Coronavirus, maybe until tomorrow.
