Starting on Tuesday, October 27, high school teachers will have to go to school to connect with all the students instead of forcibly home: it is the unusual scenario that will be created after the Government, with the October 24 Dpcm produced after The increase in Covid-19 infections, asked schools, after discussing with local authorities and health authorities, to continue until November 24 even with 100% distance education.
Immediate adjustment
In the space of a few hours, the school administrators summoned the collegiate bodies and adopted the father in a total way: a decision also taken to avoid complicated “formulas” that would have allowed them to perform in the classroom no more than 8 hours out of 32 .
The unusual organization will start immediately: students connected from home, teachers connected from school. A scenario that some unions do not like, who claim that the presence of the students is indispensable to demand that the teachers be in the classroom.
The note is clear
Those who had thought that this logic could be the result of a custom or an over-sewing of some dean considered too “jealous”, were soon denied: with the note of 1934 of the MI, produced on the afternoon of October 26 signed by the head of department Marco Bruschi, from Viale Trastevere, stressed that even during the father “educational institutions remain open, and in presence, in the educational institution faculty and ATA operate, except for the cases provided for in section 2 (teaching staff and ATA in quarantine with active surveillance or in fiduciary home isolation, ed) “.
The explanatory note of the Ministry of Education also explains that “the school management, however, in case of need, can adopt particular and different organizational provisions”.
Special cases
This means that schools, with justified explanations, could still ask teachers not to go to school. This is a circumstance that could occur, for example, in the event that the school does not have adequate bandwidth for the connection.
Or the institution is not in a position to make computers available to dozens of teachers at the same time. device working, not too outdated and equipped with a camera. A circumstance that in Italian schools, even in 2020, cannot be taken for granted at all.
The paradox
The fact is that for many teachers the imposition of going to school and finding themselves teaching in less than optimal technological conditions seemed a paradox: it would not be better, they asked, to stay, like the students, at home and lead the lessons from there Perhaps leaving the possibility of going to school only to those who have significant problems with the management of technologies at home or are busy with students with disabilities who prefer to stay in school?
The problem is not small, because interactive displays and fiber have not yet been installed in several high schools. In such circumstances, therefore, the connection from home would be more than justified.
The case of agriculture in Rome
All’Ansa, the director ofSereni Institute of Agriculture in Rome, which has about 850 students and multiple locations, said that “the fiber does not reach any plexus, so the portability is poor compared to the number of students. So far we have implemented 50% of distance education. Starting tomorrow we will go to 75%, favoring the first classes in attendance ”.
However, faced with this discomfort, “most teachers will connect from home. The problem of the very bad internet connection in schools outside the Grande Raccordo Anulare is known to everyone, they should have thought about it for some time to fix it. We can do it up to a point, ”the director stressed.
The teacher writes to Azzolina: school in ruins
A letter from Professor Valentina Romano, from the Paolo Giovio de Como Scientific Institute, published in “quicomo” and addressed to Minister Lucía Azzolina, is having success on social networks.
“Trick or treat? I thought of a hoax, minister, seriously,” writes prof.
Because everyone tells us that it is better to stay at home and we teachers – who in Italy hold the distinction of being the oldest in Europe – tell us no, since Monday we have to leave to go to work“.
“Once there – continues Giovio -, we will trot disguised from one classroom to the other of the school, changing stations every hour, we will spitu a keyboard that other colleagues spit out before us, we will teach in classrooms where the temperature is not exactly tropical, the connection is not very fast, the acoustics are not exactly like a recording studio, and we will spend the hours all together in the staff room drinking mulled wine and remembering the old days … When there was no Distance Education, but Teaching in presence, which was the only beautiful thing that remained in the “Teaching in a school completely in ruins ”, concludes the Lombard professor.