Top closure: Tesei ready to anticipate Conte


The rebound in infections in recent days has made us think a lot and in the rooms of Palazzo Donini there has been a tug of war between ‘decision makers’ and ‘procrastinators’ with regard to anti-contagion closures. A little’ what had happened through the big events. The governor herself anticipated the escape on Friday morning, in addition, but some indications had already been given 24 hours before, when Luca Coletto had actually appeared at Broletto’s press conference to deny what Claudio Dario had declared. and (above all) Antonio Onnis seven days before and it is precisely the schools (understood as apparatus: first of all school transport) that caused the rebound in autumn infections that occurred in Umbria; other than vacations!


Pass the hard line

And so, at the extraordinary council meeting, Donatella Tesei faced a series of restrictive initiatives to be implemented as soon as possible, regardless of government decisions; not before reassuring her about the incentives for the Umbrian economy. It is clear that seeing Umbria at the top of many of the Covid ‘rankings’ in Italian newspapers simply did not go down, after a spring that was generally quiet in the green heart, compared to what happened in the center. North (sad to note that even in these dynamics, as in the economic ones, Umbria is increasingly in tune with the South than with the North; ed). The summons of all the heads of the regional machine (who will meet on Saturday morning in Foligno, at the headquarters of the Cor; ed) should also be read in this sense: the governor will attract a little to everyone, calling for a greater attention on the coronavirus front. The feeling is that this rapid increase has taken everyone by surprise.


Avoid ruining what has been done so far

“The purpose of the package of interventions for emergency management – says a note, certainly sweetened with respect to the tenor of the communications – is to provide concrete and efficient responses that allow the situation to be stable, currently under control, preventing the health system from from Umbria they go into fatigue; a series of activities, some of which are already planned, to better manage the health emergency that registers a constant increase in positive Covid cases. And the school is one of the fundamental nodes.

The school transport node

It seems that it was a lifetime ago when the same city council, with the councilor for Transportes Melasecche, insisted on increasing the percentage of capacity allowed for school transport. However, as underlined at the Covid al Broletto commission press conference, it was understood that the rise in infections in recent days is due to public transport connected to secondary schools. This was discussed at the State-Regions conference, during which the governor of Umbria was one of the most insistent on the subject of ‘schools’.

Tesei decided: we move towards closure

“In case of refusal of the Government – reads the note – President Tesei, also estimated the evolution of the epidemiological trend, will evaluate the opportunity to adopt a specific ordinance.” Which, translated, means: “If Conte doesn’t do it, I will.” This obviously if infections continue to increase and if a way is not found to ’empty’ the buses, increasing their frequency and number. We’ll see what happens in the next few hours – students are already attacking smartphones for updates.

Covid, counter-order: “Umbrian infections boom in schools”

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