“Too many risks, if they get infected we end up in quarantine and goodbye to work”


COVID-19.  Parents withdraw their children from school:

the Coronavirus lockdown has already done enough damage, a new closure could really put the family budget in crisis. For this the parents of two Treviso students have decided to withdraw them from their respective schools: the risk of children being infected in the classroom and, therefore, also putting their families in quarantine and causing the interruption of the activities they carry out on their own, has led them to prefer the private study of their children. Singular episodes, but symptomatic of a new and alarming phenomenon, that of the fear of returning to the bench.

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It occurs in La Marca, a province where the problem of fragile teachers has also arisen, teachers who have asked to continue practicing distance learning, to the point that some thirty school directors also wanted to report the situation to the regional office of the school. . However, the concern also extends among families, as evidenced by the testimony of two parents: “We are forced to withdraw our daughter. We cannot afford positivity and the consequent quarantine. Covid has brought the family business to its knees: we would not resist another blockade.

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Back to School and Coronavirus, here are the Veneto Region guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year. What to do if a child has symptoms in the classroom? How to manage the emergency? And how does the readmission to the institution work, who should we contact?

Fear of Covid: they withdraw their children from school

At the time of the pandemic, the school is also this: Withdrawal requests because the risk of infection persists. This is what happened in a Vittorio Veneto High School. A mother, head of a beauty center, explained to teachers and dean that the months of confinement have brought her family to the streets: “We could not cope with a new closure,” she confided, even asking for the retirement of her daughter . , so much so that the student will take the exams as a private student. In the same area, another family unit, which runs a restaurant in the hospitality sector, asked the school for an interview to evaluate the same possibility: “Having to manage contagion and quarantine for us would be devastating economically,” they emphasized Mom and Dad. at the same time concerned that the child’s possible home isolation will inevitably end up involving not only the house but also the store.

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Students out of class: where

The directors of the Treviso school confirm that there are critical issues of this kind. “Cases are increasing in primary and secondary school,” says Mario Dalle Carbonare of Da Vinci Scientific High School. But even for the classical and linguistic Canova there are situations of this type to handle: “Two cases so far”, reveals Mariarita Ventura: “In one the concern is given by the fact that in the family nucleus there is a fragile element by which It is feared that the child, possibly contracting the virus at school, could infect the family member. In the other, a work motivation was proposed. ”

Students and contagion: danger at home

In addition to financial motivation, therefore, there may also be a strictly health motivation: families with sick grandparents or other members who are cancer patients or immunosuppressed, are turning to private lessons. “We had a muscular approach to recovery, says Antonia Piva, director of the Duca degli Abruzzi institute, but the impact of this new condition will slowly begin to manifest itself. We generally have requests of this type for students who have a musical or athletic background. This year, some parents have asked for specific interviews to reassure themselves. There is a lot of anxiety: however, we try to explain that the paperwork allows you to arrive at school with reasonable serenity ”.

Dad: distance learning

Parents had asked to be able to use Dad, although much disputed in the long final months of the last school year, although now it is requested by several teachers and professors in conditions of physical or psychological difficulty. However, this option cannot be activated with a simple request from mom and dad, without certified problems, as Director Ventura points out: “In the two cases that happened to us, the first request was to be able to take advantage of distance education. . But by law this is only possible if the child is in a fragile condition. We have reassured families about the precautions and strict protocols adopted. But, of course, in the absence of other alternatives, we had to consider retirement and private preparation and then take the external exams ”.

School and smart work continue to leave parents with children under 14 in quarantine

Last updated: 10:53

