Too many deaths from Coronavirus, Lambrate crematorium in Milan closes until January 3


The Lambrate crematorium in Milan will close from tomorrow until January 3 after theincrease in deaths caused by the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic. The Municipality decided this with an order issued today; Currently the waiting times for the cremation of bodies are currently up to 20 days.

The peak of deaths in November caused a queue, which lasted around twenty days.

“The second pandemic wave has determined an increase in mortality in Milan – says the document – and, as a necessary consequence, the competent municipal management has already limited access to the Lambrate crematorium to the deceased residing in Milan only as of November 5, 2020 ″. Specifically, as Paola D’Antuono from the press office of the municipality of Milan explains to “It was the peak of deaths in November that led to a queue, of about twenty days.”. “In Milan almost 75 percent of the citizens are incinerated and the Lambrate furnace does not have problems under normal conditions – explains D’Antuono – with the increase in deaths due to the second wave of Covid, the furnaces have had to work at full capacity speed and this means more maintenance. “This combined with the increase in cremation requests has led to the decision to close new requests until January 3, 2021. Also because, due to health regulations, waiting times cannot exceed twenty days.

In Milan, waiting times for cremation up to 20 days.

So the contingent and urgent ordinance published this morning explains how the Milan City Council has ordered the temporary closure of the Lambrate Crematorium: “Therefore, as of tomorrow, Saturday, December 19, and until January 3, 2021, new entries will not be authorized – they explain – to allow the execution of the cremation services already programmed and the execution of the necessary interventions of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of plants “.

In the suspension period there is no payment of municipal fees for funerals and burials

The ordinance, as communicated in an official document of the municipality of Milan, in addition to ordering the stop at the entrances therefore, also establishes that, during the period of suspension of the entrances to the crematorium, the families of the deceased who wish to proceed with the burial or burial in dovecote are exempt from payment of relative municipal fees.
