Toninelli is forgotten, Giuseppi is torn and Librandi is racist


What a predictable week, there was no question about Giuseppi’s rescue. Who among the MPs would have had the courage to vote against Conte and pull his chair out from under his butt? And who, above all, would have dared to resign from Parliament? Nobody! Even the toughest and purest grillini have become MES. The salary is huge and the privileges are too many to give up. We should get used to seeing Conte and his faithful Rocco for a long time to come to Palazzo Chigi. Yes, despite the continuous howls of Matteo Renzi. The party with wings (Italia Viva) does not fly and the polls are scary, who makes the ganzo di Firenze do it to send everything up in the air? He will have his slice of panettone too and once it’s full he’ll stop fussing. The tug of war between Giuseppe Conte and Matteo Renzi has just begun. Who will win and, above all, who will risk breaking the rope?


While Giuseppi thinks about the verification, the goose throws another bomb against its president with a statement to El País: “Conte backtracks on the Recovery Plan or the government falls.” He, with his small party, is holding an entire government hostage. However, on May 31, 2017, Renzi wrote on social media: “It is not acceptable that in 2017 there are still small veto parties.” But how, have you changed your mind? Well, we are used to its jumps and changes of direction.

PS * Italia Viva is a small party.


The former minister has serious memory problems. In Catania, in the bunker room, during the trial of Salvini accused of kidnapping after he denied the disembarkation of 131 migrants, Danilo Toninelli forgot who he was. “I don’t remember, I don’t remember …”, he repeated like a mantra to all the questions raised by the lawyer and the president. Still, it boasted “zero” landings. “Are the ports closed? My credit. “He had said it in unsuspecting moments. Yes, he must have forgotten. Well, go back to your Facebook page. His memory might come back.


Drunk with power … “At Christmas and New Years we allow citizens to move between small towns.” The minister writes on social media. We allow ?? But how could Salvini not want full powers? But it doesn’t stop there… While the disturbing details of the death of Giulio Regeni Gigi (chancellor) of Pomigliano emerge, what does he do? He gets emotional with a cat that has sneaked into the government building in Algeria. Take a photo and post it on social media: “Nice surprise,” write. Shortly afterwards, the comment of the colleague Virginia Saba appears: “Could you give me a cute cat for Christmas?” and is quick to reply: “I thought you already had one …” “No, they were two happy bunnies in the garden but they are gone.” Ah, if I were so concerned about Italian fishermen kidnapped by Libyans.


In response, the actor’s post arrives: “Inappropriate people in positions of power become dangerous minds, and if Italian is what it is, formulas such as“ we allow ”are born. But not having a friend, a rag from the press office to say “look, you don’t allow shit” is perhaps the worst sin.


The minister is loaded with buckshot, too busy shooting Conte. Enough to entrust the preparation of the Christmas tree to her husband. A rotating axis that, in La7, in L’Aria che tira, did not go unnoticed. The likes? Tremendous. Hopefully the balls don’t spin too much.


On December 9, state employees went on strike. Yes, really them. Worse than that.


“Southerners are more resistant to the coronavirus because they are white Africans. It’s a genetic issue. “The deputy told La Zanzara.” African immigrants are even stronger than us. Let me see a migrant who is in hospital with Covid. Just take a trip to the hospitals in Saronno or Varese, “They have nothing, they are not even infected. And this is due to a genetic problem. For example, I am from Calabria and I am stronger. I did the covid only for one day. The Calabrians are stronger because genetically they are more resistant to the virus.” Why not tell the families of the thousands of Calabrian victims?


Who? Head of the League in the Union Terre d’Acqua (Bologna) and leader of the opposition group Crevalcore. You feel enlightened. A genius. “Spend in the Northern League,” he said in a video posted on social media. With a lot of excel sheet with the list of garters. “To help each other and because as Salvini says before the Italians. The important thing at this time of crisis is that we lend ourselves a hand, if we have to buy a kitchen we are going to buy it from a friend of ours from the League ”.


Poor thing … She, who is also facing Conte, was crushed by Lilli Gruber at eight and a half. After an interview with the host of La7, he wrote on social media: “Thank you all for the supportive comments after Otto e mezzo. When I tried to talk about content I was always interrupted: for Lilli Gruber it is more important to talk about my photos than about the 200 billion of the Recovery Fund. I feel sorry for the listeners. “…
