Tommaso Zorzi massacred by Sonia Lorenzini – Libero Quotidiano


Rags fly into the house Big Brother Vip, the Canale 5 reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini where she just entered Sonia Lorenzini, which immediately after Friday night’s live broadcast launched against Tommaso zorzi: “Don’t you remember making a bad gesture against a woman?”, The tronista urges him. “It intoxicates me!” He sneered. Lorenzini was referring to a story posted some time ago by Zorzi on Instagram, in which he imitated an arcade in front of your photo. Gesture that evidently Sonia has not forgotten: “What sir! It really gnaws at you that I’m here! You are a showman. Don’t turn the tables. Don’t you remember making a bad gesture against a woman?” Zorzi, for his part, says he does not remember and counterattacks: “This one came here to say that I have no respect for women.” And again, referring to the not-very-cute gesture: “It’s one of those popular national things you do. Why didn’t you accuse me right away, eight months ago?” Question that Lorenzini does not answer. And the battle is just beginning …

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