
Florence, December 27, 2020 – One day symbolic. And historical. In war against virus we are at the landing of the allies. L ‘arrival of the 124 vaccine vials (for 620 dosi) Pfizer Biontech in Tuscany For him V-day European is expected this morning at 8. Escorted by the Army, the truck will enter the hospital in Careggi: at the service platform you will go down to the loading and unloading area for the delivery of the refrigerated suitcases to the hospital pharmacy.
There, the doses to be administered to the CTO will be dosed to 45 health professionals and the vials will be prepared to be sent according to the rigorous schedule: at 8.30 the vans will leave to Siena me Grosseto where they will arrive at 9.30 and 10.30 respectively; at 8.45am to lead means a Meadow (arrival at 9.20), Pistoia (9.30), Lucca (10.45) e Pulp (10.15); at 9 departure for Arezzo (arrival at 10.30 am); at 9.15 am on the main road Empoli (arrival at 10), Pisa (10.20), Livorno (10.30); at 9.30 the last carrier will transport the vials for the RSA Montedomini and for the Torregalli hospital: arrival at 10. The vaccination time, obviously linked to the arrival of the vaccine that will be monitored with an App, is scheduled at 8.40 at the Cto de Careggi, at 10 at the RSA in Montedomini and at 11 at the other Tuscan hospitals.
The Region’s technical support agency, Estar, has prepared for each receiving hospital a machine for the SVS conveyor, enabled for the deliveries of material at controlled temperature (with a cold monitoring system and state of preservation), which will transport the vaccines inside isothermal systems between 2 and 8 degrees. The police headquarters will dedicate a patrol for each distribution director with relief on the road to deliver the vaccines to each hospital where a councilor or special adviser will represent the regional council. In Careggi there will be a delegation with the Tuscan governor Eugenio Giani, the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, the regional health councilor Simone Bezzini and the health authorities.
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