After the wave of holidaymakers returning from Greece, Spain, Malta and Croatia (today Minister Speranza’s order expires with the obligation to rub), after bunches imported from the Emerald Coast unearthed in Rome after August, in Lazio the La system Regional health is preparing for the new phase of the epidemic. This too, unknown. The local health authorities will be asked for a new effort: after having multiplied the health drive-ins both in Rome and in the provinces – 20 health places have been reached during the peak of the counter-exodus – now is the time to prepare for the reopening of schools. And for the wave of seasonal flu, with millions of doses of the vaccine to be distributed by the end of the month, priority is given to those over 65, for whom the antidote is mandatory.
Meanwhile, the health posts need new troops.
Covid, direct. In India, 4.2 million infections: exceeded Brazil. In the world 880 thousand dead
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Doctors, nurses, health assistants, specialists, the latter, who deal in particular with monitoring. For weeks, the local health authorities have asked Pisana to replenish the workforce and the Region has opted for an ultra-fast recruitment procedure. Objective: to recruit 500 doctors in Lazio at the beginning of October, of which 300 in the city of Rome.
The provision signed by Governor Nicola Zingaretti last week provides for “the immediate activation by the ASL of procedures for the search for health professionals (doctors, nurses, health aides) to dedicate themselves to the prevention and control of Sars-Cov infection “. -2 in schools and educational services in Lazio ». To shorten the time, the health authorities may sign contracts with freelancers or use the “rankings of bankruptcy procedures already in progress. In the case of new procedures, it must also be open to graduates in Medicine and Surgery registered in the order who do not have the specialization.
ASL Roma 1 (Historical Center, San Lorenzo, Monte Sacro, Ottavia, Cassia) has requested at least 20 hires. “Not only for the school – explains Enrico Di Rosa, director of the Public Health and Hygiene Service – Also to strengthen the drive-in theater, already subjected to exceptional efforts: at the beginning of August at the drive-in theater in Santa Maria della Pietà, in a former asylum, we made 700 tampons a week. Now 4,500. It is a commitment that must be supported in the new phase of the epidemic.
ASL Roma 3 (Ostia, Magliana, Gianicolense) also requested hiring. “About thirty doctors, nurses and assistants,” says Aldo Benevelli, director of the Department of Prevention. Some of the staff will be used to create the “Covid teams” for the schools. Others will focus on rapid tests for school staff, which progress slowly: Only half of the teachers and custodians will arrive to class on the 14th with a certificate of Covid-19 negativity. Many have been on vacation until recently, others are reluctant. Local health authorities must also be strengthened because, when the seasonal flu arrives, it will be essential to have trained and ready staff to care for patients with very similar symptoms: cough and fever. “In hospitals – explains Alessio D’Amato, Lazio’s health counselor – we have already hired 2,500 people in recent months. All these professionals will be a fundamental barrier ”.
The alert in Lazio remains high, although infections are down: yesterday in the entire region 122 cases (two days ago there were 158). In Rome they are almost half, in 24 hours: 67 yesterday against 108 on Saturday. But the caps have dropped: from 12,000 to less than 11,000. A good part of the newly infected return from Sardinia or abroad (Greece, Spain, Romania, Malta). Among the positive aspects that he communicated yesterday, also a member of Viterbo football.