“To the emergency room only if there is danger of death”


To the emergency room only if you are in mortal danger. In Red zone South Tyrol gives a new grip. The appeal was launched by the South Tyrol Health Authority. “Go to the emergency room only in a real emergency. In the ER, it is explained «Specialized personnel treat people in danger of death, such as patients with heavy bleeding, broken bones, chest pains or heart attacks, poisoning, difficulty breathing, stroke, etc. Instead, many people could be treated more appropriately elsewhere. ‘

Red, orange or yellow zone: here are the 21 decisive parameters for monitoring and options

The situation

Currently, emergency rooms in South Tyrol “continue to assist many people with blue and green codes; these codes are assigned in the case of services that can be postponed, where there is no danger to life and therefore not belong to First Aid “. “Not only the Covid departments, but also the emergency services are particularly overloaded at the moment. For the emergency room to remain efficient, it is essential that only residents with real emergencies attend this service. Also to prevent the coronavirus from spreading in the room, infecting other people, ”the note continues. Now, the same happens with what happened in spring: anyone who suspects that they have been infected by the coronavirus, who has come into contact with people at risk and / or has developed symptoms similar to those of the flu, should contact with your GP. », Concludes the health company.


Last updated: 16:23

