Even in Sicily and in the province of Agrigento, the local health machinery has been put into operation awaiting the distribution of vaccines against Covid-19. In fact, a special “pre-registration” protocol has been activated on the island, which will involve, in the first instance, health and social-health personnel. The objective is to speed up vaccination procedures.
In detail, those who have the right to it can access the portal www.siciliacoronavirus.it and enter the section “Covid-19 Vaccine” to fill in the personal data sheet through a few simple steps.
“The Agrigento Provincial Health Authority – says the extraordinary commissioner, Mario Zappia – is already working hard to avoid being caught off guard for the start of the anticovid-19 vaccination campaign that will be handled in accordance with the instructions given by the Commissioner’s Office to implement measures to combat the epidemiological emergency. It is a historical milestone that will lead to the massive vaccination of the population and that, already in this first step taken by the Sicilian Region, is concrete and closed. Meanwhile – Zappia concludes – it will be necessary for everyone to maintain a high level of care and caution, especially on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas celebrations ”.