Two spouses, the 58-year-old Giuseppe Cotroneo and the 51 year old Francesca Musolino, were shot and killed while harvesting olives a Calanna, in the province of Reggio Calabria. One of the couple’s two sons found the bodies.

Carabinieri intervened on the spot and they are conducting the surveys and trying to reconstruct the dynamics of the crime, coordinated by the Reggio Calabria Deputy Prosecutor Gerardo Dominijanni and the current prosecutor Flavia Modica. The investigators, for the moment, on the motive of the double murder, do not rule out any hypothesis.
It was one of the couple’s children, who was not far away and heard the explosion of shots, who raised the alarm and called for help, which was useless. It is not yet clear if only one killer or two were fired.
At the moment the investigators exclude that it is an ambush of ‘ndrangheta what happened with Calanna, the center of Reggino where Giuseppe Cotroneo, 58, and his wife Francesca Musolino, 51, were shot dead. From the first moment it was confirmed by the police, it was known that the victims were far from the criminal circles in the area and had no involvement with acquaintances. They were a quiet couple who, in addition to having a job, worked the land and, in this period, was dedicated to the olive harvest. Therefore, there are no elements that we can consider as a mafia episode. Precisely for this reason, Reggio Calabria, which has delegated the investigations to the carabinieri to find out the dynamics and motive of the double murder.
Among other things, an impetuous crime linked to family or neighborhood issues is not excluded. At the moment, these are the hypotheses being examined by the investigators who carried out raids on the homes of some inmates in the area and listened to the people close to the two victims, including the son who raised the alarm and who was with the couple until recently. little bit. before the double murder took place, when he had gone to carry some boxes of olives. Bewilderment and surprise at the double murder were expressed by the mayor of Calanna, Domenico Romeo. “They both worked. – said Romeo – in the Polyclinic of Reggio Calabria and they lived thanks to the product of agricultural work. They were two decent people. In the town we are all dismayed by a crime so heinous that it has seen as victims two people who were never talked about and far from any criminal context.
“All their life – said Mayor Romeo – they have cared for the family and their two 28-year-old twin sons. One of the two helped them in the olive harvest. When the young man left, he heard the shots. He came back and saw the two parents on the ground. No neighborhood problem was known. It is not clear how this was possible. We are all deeply affected by the death of this couple.
Last update: Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 11:04 PM