Tilda Swinton, gender neutral awards? Good Berlin! – Last minute


(ANSA) – VENICE, SEPT 03 – The Berlin Film Festival has announced that from now on it will award the award for the best performance without distinguishing between women and men: “good Berlin, what a relief, it’s something positive, a good fact made sense and I’m sure this will become an example for other festivals, “says Tilda Swinton, Golden Lion for Career, who gave a masterclass at the Venice Film Festival that immediately sold out.” Human beings are very interested in divisions, classifications, compartments, I think instead we are understanding that it is not the right direction. Life – he continued – is short and dividing is just a waste “.

Among the many themes there is also that of a film he is preparing, “inspired by the Steiner school that I founded in Scotland, where my two children were also, and which was very important to my life. I work, with Derek Jarman Lab, at a Author’s film about the nature of learning, a topic that during this period of lockdown has caused everyone to reflect a lot, from the fractures, like the one we experienced during the pandemic, I think we must have the opportunity to change. I ask myself the question : What do children have and will they need? Flexibility, autonomy, relaxation ”.