tickets per shift every 15 minutes, anti-Covid rules


Rome, kindergartens: tickets per shift every 15 minutes, anti-Covid rules

Entry and exit at fixed times, within 15 minutes, to avoid meetings; stop to accompany the children to the classroom door; Pre-established routes (with mandatory passage of the thermocanner) for those who enter and leave the municipal nurseries. Ultimately, everyone’s watchword will be: punctuality. The emergence of the Covid will change the rhythms and habits of the nearly 14,000 Roman families that, as of Wednesday, will take their children (from zero to three years old) to one of the 212 directly managed Capitol nurseries. The hours will be reduced (from 8 to 14) for a month, with the dining room in any case insured. Then, if all goes well, starting Monday, October 12, it will be full-time.

Nurseries: entry by turns

Compared with the habits of the past, the main novelty (which will also be valid for kindergartens) concerns the entrances and exits. If until the last educational year the entry time slot was very wide (usually from 8 to 9), allowing the companions of the children to have more margin to manage traffic, parking lots and eventual mishaps, as of Wednesday we will have to look carefully attention the ‘clock. For each group of children, divided by age, but also by internal subgroups (each educator takes care of six small pupils), there will be an average of a quarter of an hour available, with particular variations from one nest to another depending on the size of the structure, number of members and availability of separate courses. And parents will not be able to enter the classrooms: they will have to drop off their children and wait for them outside.

The Municipalities, for their part, have worked to organize a difficult return, buying personal protection devices and sanitation of the environments. In addition to the installation of thermo-scanners (two for each nursery or kindergarten) that will be used to control the temperature of anyone who crosses the entrance. All personnel, including auxiliary personnel, will wear a mask, from which children up to six years of age are exempt. Only closed packs of diapers can be inserted into the nests, which in any case will be sanitized. During the change of children, the educators will wear gloves and a visor. “In recent weeks we have done a very intense work, for which I want to thank the directors and all the school and educational personnel – emphasizes Emanuele Gisci, councilor of the II Municipality with responsibility in this sector – We have all worked hard to restart the nurseries and schools in total safety, which is our main objective ”. Starting on Monday 14, along with the rest of the schools, the doors of the kindergartens will open: here too I start with reduced hours (until 14), with the aim of being at full capacity in October.

Last update: September 7 at 00:06

