CAGLIARI – General health passport tests, to maintain the Sardinia white zone and get ready for the tourist flows of the summer. Starting tomorrow, whoever lands on the island will have to be equipped with vaccination certificate and whoever does not have it will have to do the molecular buffer or a quick unhealthy test at workstations under construction in seaports and airports.
We have the right to do so, says Governor Christian Solinas who does not forget the failure of his free project Sardinia Covid, marked on the eve of last summer as unconstitutional and blocked by Conte II. This time the Solinas order cannot be questioned by the Draghi government, but not necessarily because everything is going well. The first week will be decisive: Will the organizational machine withstand the impact, modest for now (a few thousand passengers are expected each day)? Or, as for vaccines (Sardinia is the last in Italy for inoculations), s’incepper? The small army that will have to apply the governor’s ordinance consists of 250 people, teams of 3 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 administrators in the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia, Golfo Aranci and Santa Teresa Gallura and in the airports of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero. The protocol will be rigid, warns Antonio Belloi, head of Regional Civil Protection.
Three rules:
the green light to those who have the vaccination certificate, as long as they also show that they have had two swabs in the 48 hours prior to departure;
the molecular swab within 48 hours of arrival or the rapid test for those who do not have the vaccination certificate, with the obligation to communicate the result to the health authorities (or quarantine for 10 days indicating the address).
If the antigen test is positive, the swab should be performed and the result should be awaited at the address to be indicated. If the result is negative, the test must be repeated after 5 days.
A strategy that will work? For now it appears that the controls at the ports will be postponed until Tuesday. We will see – Paolo Manca, Federalberghi regional president is not unbalanced – as Easter is going: very few tourists will come, the DCPM prohibits travel between regions and certainly cannot be done to go on vacation. From an initial report, the forecasts are black: in this same period, in recent years, reservations covered more than 40% of the entries in the summer, now we are only at 10%. And what happens with vaccines is a very bad sign: Sardinia administers just over 60% of the doses received. This is not a race, responds regional health advisor Mario Nieddu. Meanwhile, however, over the cumbersome reserve system, an open dispute between the department’s director general and the commissioner of Ares-Ats, the regional company that must inject the vaccines.
March 7, 2021 (change March 7, 2021 | 09:37)