Tiani and the antivirus charm (found on the net) for police officers: “To be used in unsanitary places or in demonstrations with impure people”


“The word escaped me virus, but I didn’t mean the Coronavirus“And again:” They didn’t let me finish talking, then the Sap from Tonelli he cut everything and the newspapers fell in love, it is a political question ”. After all, “me and the president Michele Emiliano, when we were on the street, we cleaned this region ”. Giuseppe Tiani in these hours is one of the characters more discussed from the web, and more. Secretary of the Ready, a union of the police force of center left (chaired by his brother Francesco), in 2019 he was appointed president of InnovaPuglia Spa, a special purpose company from the Puglia region, with an annual salary of 40 thousand euros (which is added to his salary as a police officer), so it was interior minister A matter of compatibility. Tiani is the author of the ‘gaffe’ that led him to ask, during a streaming meeting of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber, the use for police officers of a pendant that “generates by a cubic meter around the wearer cations that inhibit any virus with a positive sign. “Contacted by ilfattoquotidiano.it, the unionist tries to defend himself.

Tiani, but where did you find this pendant?
There are two articles published on the Internet, one on Republic of Milan and the other in Republic of Rome. It is a new Israeli technology, among the most advanced, of portable air ionizers, which can also be used in the healthcare sector. But I never said that it protects against the coronavirus. The public Republic, twice. This is not fake news. I send you everything.

Okay, we’ll read. You said this removes any positive signs …
They cut my speech, then Gianni Tonelli’s Sap -a police union close to the League, ed- we know the methods it uses, extrapolated 30 seconds, put it on the network and exploited the video. Because I said ‘A’ and Salvini said ‘B’. But everything is political, trying to break my mirrored morality.

But excuse me, but assuming it works, what does the air ionizer have to do with police safety?
Agents often find themselves working in unhealthy environments, where they spend hours and hours tapping. Or they find themselves in contact with people belonging to a certain, as saying “criminal proletariat” (understood as homeless people or homeless migrants, ed), or even in the stadium or in demonstrations in the midst of thousands and thousands of people who have difficulties in ensuring hygiene of a certain kind. Here, for all this, a portable air purifier can come in handy.

So, do you really think that an air purifier placed around your neck can kill bacteria?
But I certainly didn’t say that you have to remove your mask, I didn’t say that, in the most absolute way! You can review the intervention. He also demanded the use of technology for the health of our work environments. It is a union demand. We intercept in the hovels … there are difficulties we need to know about.

In short, was it political manipulation?
Of course. I am known for being a one-piece person, I never say a word out of place. I had an engineer with me who handles these things for work. I am a Democratic cop and not everyone thinks well of me. I campaigned for Michele Emiliano with a sword, obviously, because I am politically committed, I have a union expectation for many years.

Is there then a great harmony with Governor Emiliano?
We worked with the president on the street, when he was an anti-mafia magistrate and I was a policeman cleaning Puglia together with him, each in his own abilities. Knowing my moral stature, he placed there a tutor who has some competence for a delicate task. I graduated in Law in 1986 and put a trustworthy person to make things go well. And indeed, Innova Puglia works perfectly.

The Department of Human Resources of the Ministry of the Interior issued an opinion on July 9 where a question of compatibility of its functions arises, with reference to art. 50 art. 50 Presidential Decree No. 335/82 “expressly prohibits those belonging to the functions of the State Police the exercise of professional, commercial, industrial activities, as well as the assumption of public and private jobs and the acceptance of positions in companies incorporated for profit.” Innova Puglia in practice is not for profit, but technically it is an SpA …
It is a question that does not exist, if it had been incompatible they would not even have named me.

Once the interview is over, Tiani the two articles of Republic from where he would have been inspired for his intervention in the Chamber: these are two “sponsored contents”, in practice paid advertising of those that are also in newspapers paper – in journalistic jargon called ‘infomercial’ – which promoted an “innovative start-up of Isernia”.
