Thus was born the “secret plan”: that was who was sitting at the table


The relatives of the victims in Bergamo were not satisfied with the declassification of the act of the Scientific technical committee. Sure, there are essential documents there. But that is not the whole set of acts produced in the early stages of the coronavirus emergency. Because before Borrelli, before the CTS and even before the virus hit Italy, a working group was already meeting under the orders of Minister Speranza. It is at these meetings that the secret plan to cope with the pandemic, rebuilt in Coronavirus Black Book (Click here). It is at that table where the movements against it begin to be studied. And so is the minutes of those meetings that the Commission claims “We will denounce.” For now unheard of.

From this blessed “Plan” we know the history of April, August and September (read here), when the existence of that document arises and the political case explodes. We know that the ministry for weeks has been trying to narrow the scope of the document de-lubricate it as a banal “study” (read here). But what happened between the end of January and March 9, when the “Plan” took shape?

On January 22, the Minister of Education Roberto Speranza announces the birth of the working group. These are days of absolute tranquility. Italy is convinced that it is out of danger and the meetings serve more to “prevent” than to “cure”. The General Directorate of Prevention, the Nas Carabinieri, the Higher Institute of Health, the representatives of Spallanzani, Umsaf, the Italian Agency of Medicines, Agenas and also the diplomatic advisor participate in that meeting. Those present will see each other often, even in the following days. In the photographs we recognize in particular Silvio Brusaferro (Iss president), Giuseppe Ippolito (Spallanzani scientific director) and Andrea Urbani (General Director of Health Planning). Sometimes Agostino Miozzo, of Civil Protection, and Ranieri Guerra, delegate of the WHO participate. In short, an important forum that Speranza is more than proud of. “The NHS is endowed with professionalism, skills and adequate experience to face any eventuality”, he assures at the end of the first meeting, convinced that “everything will be fine”. The facts will prove it very soon.

During the work of the workgroupin fact, experts discover that Italy does not have an updated pandemic plan. Then they decide to develop a “study on possible scenarios ofepidemic and the impact on the SNS, identifying a series of possible actions to be activated “to contain” the effects “of a possible epidemic. It is not clear if the need arises during the first meeting or in subsequent meetings, the truth is that the ISS, Spallanzani and the Ministry’s Planning Directorate get down to work. These are the dawn of “secret plan“Of which Urbani will reveal the existence in April in a (reckless) interview. To tell the truth, the project is slowly taking shape as in those hours the virus appears only as a remote Chinese disease. On February 5, however, a certain appears at the ISS headquarters. Stefano merler, a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, convinced, unlike many others, that the virus can invade Italy and combine disasters. Their predictions (read here) will be reported in a dossier titled 2019-NCOV spread scenarios in Italy and impact on the health service, in case the virus cannot be contained locally. These are dramatic hypotheses, perhaps reinforcing the task force’s belief that a “Plan” is really useful. Then the works continue.

Meanwhile, however, two unexpected events occur. On January 31, because of the two tourists positive chinese, the government proclaimed a state of emergency and decided to appoint an extraordinary Commissioner. Everyone thinks that the Health Ministry will accept the position, perhaps appointing Deputy Minister Sileri or a henchman from Speranza. After all, it’s in the workgroup Ministerial that, until then, the skein of the coronavirus had been handled. Instead, it is surprisingly indicated Angelo borrelli, who knows little or nothing about infections. Why? Mystery. The other unexpected event is, instead, the birth of the CTS, dated February 3. The Committee will become the lynchpin of all political decisions about the emergency, capable of guiding the government’s decisions in all aspects. The funny thing is that the same people who until recently were part of the Committee are admitted to the Committee workgroup. Brusaferro, Ippolito, Urbani and Miozzo (who becomes their coordinator) are always at the two tables. In addition to the Cts also appears Alberto Zoli, appointed by Stefano Bonaccini to represent the Regions. For a few days, at least until mid-February, the two organs continue to work in parallel although overlapping. It is at this point that things get steamy. The truth is that the “secret plan” is formally passed from the working group to the Committee. And their footprints begin to disappear.

In fact, on February 12, the Committee invites Merler to present his Covid “broadcast scenarios.” The CTS listens impressed and, as stated in the minutes of the meeting, decides to give “mandate to a working group within the Cts produce, within a week, a first hypothesis of an operational plan for the preparation and response to various scenarios of possible development of a 2019-nCov epidemic ”. Words are important. This is an “Operational Plan”, and not a trivial analysis as it will later be classified. But above all, a question arises: why go back to doing a job that in theory should have already started the health working group twenty days earlier? The minutes show that a “control” of the beds had been carried out, but that “data relating to three regions” were still missing. So maybe the “Plan” was bogged down. And the CTS was in charge of finishing it. According to Messenger Service, the experts of the “working group” meet on February 19 and 20, when Zoli and Merler illustrate a first draft of the dossier to the hope. In the CTS minutes, however, the Plan is cited again on February 24, that is, three days after Codogno: the document is not yet “completed” but the experts are already taking care to keep it secret ” to prevent the numbers from reaching the press. ” In Italy at that time there are still few cases, but calculations predict catastrophe and there is no more time to lose. The plan returns to the table on March 2 to be adopted “in its final version“, Signed” by all who contributed “, validated by the Cts and presented to Minister Speranza. It will then be updated on March 4 and, given the epidemic trend, again on March 9. All this ensuring an absolute” secret “for keep it hidden not only from citizens (understandable in those excited phases), but also from Regions.

What seems strange is that, first in April and then in September, Speranza will deny that she ever had a “Plan” at hand. “Just a simple one studyIt is the synthesis. In an April note, the ministry claims to have submitted the investigation on February 12 to the CTS and then updated it until March 4. Nothing more. Questions, however, are wasted at this point. The components of the workgroupIn fact, as members also of the CTS, they knew very well that the Committee was preparing a true “Operational Plan”. Why then when Copasir asks for an account, will Speranza say he only has one “studio”? And why when reporters ask for documentWill you just provide Merler’s study? The two documents are similar. Perhaps one inspires the other. But they are two different acts. And then: if on March 2, the CTS says that it has been officially presented to him, why does Speranza assure that there is no “Plan”? In the minutes of March 4, the Committee wrote verbatim that the “Plan” was “prepared by the ISS in agreement with the Ministry of Health and the Spallanzani hospital.” Was it possible that Speranza did not know that her offices were preparing a “Plan” with specific measures and directions?

A little more clarity I say relatives of the victims of Bergamo, could come from the total desecration of the minutes. Not only those of the CTS, now they are made public. But also those of the working group. Or maybe it would be enough to officially share that damned “Plan”. Because to date, although the Government and the CTS insist that there is nothing secret, neither the Merler study nor the drafts of the “Plan” have been made public. At least not officially.
