Health ministers Roberto Speranza and regional affairs Francesco Boccia Also yesterday they looked at the data on infections with satisfaction. The trend «remains positive for the moment in all the Regions and all the Regions improve», it is observed, «but these are somewhat” neutral “data, since they refer to the final phase of the confinement». Therefore, even if it is true that all Regions will be able to restart retail, bars, restaurants, hairdressers starting on Monday, a last minute stop cannot be excluded based on the “strict” protocols that the Committee will elaborate. . scientific technician
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In the videoconference with the governors, the two ministers and the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte He confirmed that the guidelines for a safe reopening “will be ready soon.” Within the week. And they reiterated that on Thursday, when the Ministry of Health will launch the first balance of the relaxation of the closing of May 4, it will be discovered which Regions “autonomously” will be able to reopen some of the activities that are still blocked next Monday.
From the data that circulates confidentially and that take into account not only contagions, but also the other parameters of what is now called the “Algorithm of Hope”, it appears that there are three Regions that are at risk of remaining behind. And they are all from the north: Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria. However, there is no problem at the moment for Lazio, Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche and the entire South.
“Every week, in each Region, there will be data on the real state of the virus, which is not only that of infections, but also that related to the territorial organization of health, intensive and sub-intensive therapies, and the number of swabs that occur, on the condition of asymptomatic positives, “Boccia explained. He added:” In summary, there will be a shared meeting that will give us an idea of how it is going and of the condition of the Region. And this will make all citizens more When this panel is ready, or in the week, there will be all the conditions to reach a territorial differentiation that everyone wants. ”
In short, the government will not decide, but the objective parameters of the Esperanza decree and the protocols of the technical-scientific committee. “I hope,” Boccia said, “that with territorial differentiation they can reopen anywhere and then it will be the responsibility of individual Regions to have the data framework. If infections decrease, other sectors can reopen. If infections increase, they should be reduced. The regions will be responsible and will be called to answer the numbers. ” And the government will be able to block those who have “dared” too much: “The phase of responsibility for the Regions begins,” said the Minister of Regional Affairs during the videoconference.
Governors will have to deal with objective parameters. Twenty-one in all. Regarding the monitoring of the epidemic, the number of symptomatic cases, ICU patients, home care, etc. will be taken into account. for the reopening For the “capacity of diagnostic evaluation, investigation and management of contacts”, each Region will have to deal with the percentage of positive swabs, it must provide the “number and type of professional figures dedicated in each territorial service to contact tracing” , the sampling and the number of “confirmed cases of infection in the Region”.
Among the indicators “related to the stability of transmission and maintenance of health services”, to obtain the “health license”, each Region must also provide the “number of cases reported to Civil Protection in the last 14 days , the number of cases per date. ” the number of new outbreaks of transmission each day and the date of onset of symptoms reported to Covid-19 Integrated Surveillance ». Finally, the “intensive care bed occupancy rate for patients with Covid-19” will be decisive.