spice – The growth of Covid-19 positives continues in the area of the province of La Spezia -where the current infected people go from 736 to 773- but above all, unfortunately, the Spezzino must register three new deaths of patients with coronavirus. It is about a 70-year-old man who died yesterday, a 94-year-old man who died today and an 88-year-old woman who died today, all residents in the capital and deceased in San Bartolomeo (two in medicine and one in geriatrics), the hospital chosen to collect those that are positive for the virus. The victims of La Spezia therefore reach 154, those of Liguria 1,582 (the three La Spezia are the only deaths today at the regional level). 47 new infected persons registered in ASL 5 in the last 24 hours (32 contacts of confirmed cases, 15 detection activities). Only 18 new positives were detected in the rest of the region, in line with the trend of recent days, in which the Spezzino showed values much higher than the rest of the provinces. Covid positive patients are growing in Liguria, now there are 138 (+12). In San Bartolomeo there are 83 (+2), those who are in intensive care without changes (7).
The positives in the other provinces of Liguria: Genoa 977, Savona 219, Imperia 115. There are 13 cures per day at the regional level (a total of 7,990 since the beginning of the pandemic), while those in Liguria in home isolation reach 1,062 (+45), those of active surveillance in 1,732, half in the Spezzino (871, increased by 17 units). So far, 267,430 swabs have been made, 995 in the last 24 hours.