Three new cases and a re-positivized woman


There are 3 new positives and 4 cures.


3 new positivity from Polesine residents (a total of 656 Polesine residents with COVID-19 positivity found since the start of the epidemic):

– Man from 1937, resident of Upper Polesine, is a close contact of a person who tested positive in recent days. He was already in quarantine and is asymptomatic.

– Woman of 1940, resident in Upper Polesine, is close contact of a person who tested positive in recent days. She was already in quarantine and is asymptomatic.

– Man from 1950, resident of Upper Polesine, was already isolated as a contact of a person who tested positive He presented symptoms and was hospitalized in Infectious Diseases in Rovigo.

In addition, it was reported the re-monitoring of a woman from 1958, a resident of Rovigo, who was healed.


There are currently 19 hospitalized patients at our Covid-19 facility, in particular:

17 patients in the Covid Medical Area in Trecenta

1 patient in Covid Intensive Care in Trecenta

1 patient in Infectious Diseases in Rovigo


An operator from the Taglio di Po housing community and a non-sanitary worker from the “Villa Resemini” Senior Service Center in Stienta are positive.

At all other Non-Hospital Residential Structures in Polesine, no positive results were reported among guests or operators.


The swabs made since the beginning of the epidemic in Polesine are 90,424. There are 34,552 people subjected to swabs.

In the first two days of the week we performed 175 rapid smears on school-age children, all of whom were negative.


4 new cures bring the total number of cures in Polesine since the beginning of the epidemic to 494. There are currently 118 positive people in the province.

To date, 364 people have been placed in home isolation with active surveillance.
