As of today, 3 municipalities of Trentino, out of 166, will become the red zone. The decision was made two days ago by President Maurizio Fugatti, after conversations with the mayors of the three countries involved and, of course, after discussions with the experts of the provincial working group, by Dr. Antonio Ferro at number one of health Giancarlo Ruscitti.
Ticino Castle, Baselga di Piné and BedolloIn fact, they exceed what has been established as the alarm threshold for the number of infections: 3%. It means that the relationship between positive people and inhabitants is higher than that percentage and, therefore, to stop the circulation of the virus, only the solution of the confinement remains. The situation is different from what happened at Cembra a month and a half ago: at that time, in fact, the rules were tightened, but it was not a “return in March.”
As of last midnight, however, the three municipalities will return to the recent past. The measure will affect a total of 7,744 people (1.4% of the population of Trentino).
But how does the 3% calculation work? First of all, it must be said that a “normal citizen” will only be able to calculate the percentage of his own country with difficulty. This because the data of the infections registered with the antigenic swabs (the so-called “rapid tests”) have never been formalized by the Province. However, more and more mayors decide to make these numbers public, which are useful to understand reality and not partial.
We, too, have been publishing those numbers for days. Here we try to put order, trying to make an image of the different municipalities of Trentino. Let us remember, however, the calculation to be made: for each municipality, both those who emerge with the molecular swab and those with the antigenic swab (fast) are understood as infected. However, as explained a few days ago the President Fugatti, RSA positives should be removed from this sum: Since there are many cases in geriatric residences, but not all municipalities have one, this data could “distort” the calculation, considering that it is still people who do not move from the structure.
As for the positive personnel of Rsa (about 240 people in all Trentino), the municipality of residence counts.
Another aspect: the division to calculate the percentage of positivity must be done with the number of inhabitants. Of these, however, Statutory auditors can exclude persons residing abroad and registered in Aire. All this to try to explain why a percentage can sometimes vary depending on the count.
Finally, before reading the list below, we will tell you that the figure may have changed in the last hours: Every day, in fact, there are cures and new positives, with test results that may take time to arrive, not allowing a “still” photograph. If the response to a molecular swab takes even 2 or 3 days, it is clear that yesterday’s chests may be mentioned last Thursday or Friday.
Levico Terme: 110 infected (42 molecular, 68 fast), 1.3%
Riva del Garda: 265 infected (49 molecular, 216 fast), 1.5%
Bow: 282 infected (72 molecular, 210 fast), 1.5%
San Martino di Castrozza: 27 infected (3 molecular, 24 fast), 0.5%
Canal San Bovo: 10 infected (2 molecular, 8 fast), 0.06%
Imèr: 5 infected (1 molecular, 4 fast), 0.4%
Sagron Mis: no positive cases
Furnace: 36 infected (17 molecular, 19 rapid), 2.7%
Moena: 17 infected (4 molecular, 13 rapid), 0.6%
Ledro: 74 infected (12 molecular, 62 rapid), 1.4%
Baselga di Piné: 164 infected (88 molecular, 76 fast), 3.2%
Bedollo: 44 infected (20 molecular, 24 fast), 2.9%
Trento: 2,240 infected (650 molecular, 1,590 fast), 1.6%
Rovereto: 591 infected (152 molecular, 439 fast), 1.4%
Mezzocorona: 75 infected (19 molecular, 55 rapid), 1.3%
San Michele all’Adige: 92 infected (18 molecular, 74 fast), 2.3%
Lavis: 157 infected (46 molecular, 111 fast), 1.7%
Pergine Valsugana: 481 infected (254 molecular, 227 fast), 2.3%
Castello Ticino: 43 infected (28 molecular, 15 rapid), 3.6%
Calceranica: 12 infected (7 molecular, 5 rapid), 0.8%
Brentonico: 59 infected (23 molecular, 36 rapid), 1.4%
Mori: 152 infected (53 molecular, 99 rapid), 1.5%
Caldonazzo: 52 infected in total, 1.3%
There are also cases like that of the small town of Fierozzo, which has 487 inhabitants. In the last days there were 17 infected (10 with the molecular and 7 with the fast). With these data, the percentage of positivity would have been 3.4% (common “red”). However, 3 people were waiting for the “curative” swab result: with a negative result, the percentage would have dropped to 2.9% (common “yellow”). Also, in such a small country and with such a low number of positives, only one family is enough (mom, dad, 2 children and maybe grandfather and grandmother who live upstairs in the same house) to splash around in a day by a percentage very high. , or vice versa to cut the positivity rate in half. Here, in the case of Fierozzo, after speaking with Mayor Lorenzo Moltrer, we can say that the situation is under control. On this we also asked President Fugatti for clarification, who explained to us how in municipalities with a few hundred inhabitants the reasoning to be made is different from a calculation and 3 percent to be exceeded or not.
Another question. The now “famous” rapid tests. The table with the individual municipalities yields one piece of information: adding only the positives to the quick buffer, we arrive at 3,371. This means that, considering only a small part of the municipalities of Trentino, there are 3,371 more positive people about Covid than are added to those officially declared by the Province, which yesterday were 3,055. Thus we can officially say that in Trentino there are currently 6,426 positive people, understanding that this is an incomplete figure (we consider 21 municipalities out of 166, and from the count there are no large centers, such as Ala y Cles, Cavalese and Borgo).
Returning to the red zones, this is what the ordinance signed by President Fugatti establishes: as of midnight on Sunday 7,744 people must respect these rules.
a) Any movement in and out of the municipal territory, as well as within the same territory, is prohibited, except for movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Return to own house, home or residence is allowed. Transit through these municipalities is allowed if necessary to reach other territories that are not subject to travel restrictions or in cases where travel is permitted pursuant to this ordinance;
b) Retail commercial activities are suspended, with the exception of the sale of food and basic needs identified in Annex 23 of the Dpcm November 3, 2020, both in neighborhood businesses and in medium and large sales structures, also included in shopping centers, provided that access is allowed only to the aforementioned activities and without prejudice to closings on holidays and prior to holidays referred to in article 1, paragraph 9, lett. ff) of the aforementioned Dpcm of November 3, 2020. The markets are closed, regardless of the type of activity that is carried out, except those destined to the sale of food products only. Kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies and drugstores remain open;
c) The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration in a contractual manner provided that the protocols or guidelines aimed at preventing or containing contagion. Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10:00 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or at vicinity. In any case, the food and beverage outlets located in the service and refueling areas located along the highways, in hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to ensure in all cases the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter;
d) All the activities provided for in article 1, paragraph 9, letters f) and g) of the aforementioned Dpcm, which are also carried out in outdoor sports centers, are suspended; all events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are also suspended;
e) Individual motor activities are allowed in the vicinity of the home provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices; It is also allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually;
f) without prejudice to the conduct in the presence of kindergarten, elementary school, educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree April 13, 2017, n. 65 and lower secondary school, school and didactic activities are carried out exclusively at a distance. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is necessary or for reasons of maintaining an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs, in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree No. . 89 of education of August 7, 2020, and by order of the Minister of Education n. 134 of October 9, 2020, guaranteeing in any case the online connection with the students of the class who are in integrated digital teaching;
g) The periodicity of the educational and curricular activities of the universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training is suspended, without prejudice to the continuation of said activities at a distance. The courses for doctors in specialized training, the specific training courses in general medicine, as well as the activities of the scholarship holders in the health professions and other educational or curricular activities, eventually identified by the Universities, may continue, after consulting the Regional Committee. University of reference. , if necessary, also in presence mode. In any case, compliance with the guidelines of the Ministry of University and Research, referred to in Annex 18 of the Dpcm November 3, 2020, as well as based on the protocol for the management of confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19, from at referenced in Annex 22 of the aforementioned Dpcm; The provisions referred to in this letter also apply, to the extent of their compatibility, to institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training;
h) activities related to personal services are suspended, other than those identified in annex 24 of the Dpcm of November 3, 2020;
i) public employers limit the presence of personnel in the workplace to ensure only those activities that they consider impossible to postpone and that necessarily require such presence, also due to emergency management; Staff not present carry out their work in an agile manner.