Three experts do not sign the report: it is chaos in the Christmas squeeze


After the CTS meeting, there are three points on which, according to the technicians, the measures that seek to harden the current measures used in the orange and red areas should be based. At the end of a long summit, the technicians came up with a shared document to be sent to Palazzo Chigi.

The three points of the Cts

As reported by Repubblica, here are the three fundamental points that an introduction to the situation in which we find ourselves anticipates. The first point is based on updating the control devices to ensure that the rules are followed. With deployment of forces of order. The second point refers to the risk of meetings, which are the uncontrolled aggregations of people, whether in public or private places. The last point refers to the yellow zones, where as of Sunday, December 20, almost all the regions will be included, which according to the technicians should have more restrictive measures, to be chosen from those present in article 3 of the Dpcm of the past 3 of December.

The idea is that the rules that are used for the orange or even red areas are adopted. The government will decide the moment. As written by the experts, the Scientific Technical Committee “Assesses with great concern the finding of large aggregations among people observed in different areas of the country, especially in historical centers and metropolitan areas, as well as the difficulty to contain / prevent such aggregations”. Therefore, the measures to be taken should aim to avoid situations that may endanger both interpersonal distancing and the use of protection individual on any occasion that they are necessary.

The danger of aggregations in public and private places

Indeed, the monitoring of the control room has found an improvement with respect to the data on the spread of the virus, but also that in certain regions the number of beds occupied in intensive care and internist rooms is still above the threshold. The epidemic must continue to recede. Even more so in the awareness of the specificities of the period in question, of the specific risks related to mobility and aggregation in family and social contexts, in addition to the concern that uncontrolled aggregations of people may negatively affect the consolidation of control of contagion that to date, has a national Rt index of less than 1 and that requires great prudence during the Christmas holidays “. Specifying that the meetings, typical of the Christmas season, both in private and public places can be contagious occasions.

Of the three points, the last is the most important, which is the one that speaks of tightening the measures referring to the Dpcm of last December 3. The CTS notes “the opportunity for modulation in terms of time and duration of the measures to be implemented, at the type of restrictions specifications provided, as well as the spatial and territorial dimension of application, also with respect – in the adoption of measures – to the specificities of the risk of the Christmas period illustrated above “.

This meeting was also long and difficult, precisely because there were two different positions in it. On the one hand, the one who, with the extraordinary emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri in the first place, wanted to focus on the rules of the red zones, the other, supported by Franco Locatelli of the ISS, who instead favored less specific and more open. In the end, the invitation to use the rules contained in the Dpcm addressed to orange areas And red. We remind you that in the orange areas, unlike the yellow ones, bars and restaurants are closed and people cannot leave their municipality. It will be up to Palazzo Chigi to decide the measures planned for the red zones.

Three of them did not sign the minutes

In the end, however, a problem has arisen. The minutes were not signed by the three general directors of the Ministry of Health Achille Iachino, Andrea Urbani and Giovanni Rezza, because a fracture would have occurred due to the decision of the CTS not to indicate specific closures to follow. In the minutes of the Technical-Scientific Committee there are no specific rules to modify. It only indicates that there should be more controls to avoid concentrations in the squares and streets during the weekend. Technicians agree on the closing line, but without indicating the places to close. Silvio Brusaferro, president of the ISS, pointed out that the greatest dangers occur in the places where the masks are lowered, that is, bars and restaurants. Between Wednesday and Thursday there should be a meeting between the government and the Regions for a comparison about the decisions made. However, there was no unanimity due to the lack of signature of the three general directors of the Ministry of Health.
