Francesco Specchia
This story of the three gentlemen with easy auditing, of the three accountants “not strictly League but close to the League” and arrested for money laundering in the sale of a shed linked to the Lombardy Film Commission (complete with cotè on the legendary 49 millions of public funds missing from the Bossi era), well, it’s turning into a pochade of unprecedented ferocity.
Cash flow – Now in the colorful history appears a “Panamanian fiduciary” based in Switzerland, used – apparently – by the three Michele Scillieri, Alberto Di Rubba, Andrea Manzoni for cash transactions that are not too clear; and therefore the Milan magistrates naturally requested a letter of letters for “cash flow controls.” So here you are in Repubblica and Il Fatto Quotidiano the name of Matteo Salvini ended up in the investigation papers for a dinner at the end of last May in Rome together with the Vice President of the Senate Roberto Calderoli, Senator Stefano Borghesi and Manzoni himself, auditor in the Chamber for the League: all together passionately recorded by a Trojan inserted into a mobile phone. But here it is also that Calderoli in Ansa denies everything, “as far as I am concerned that dinner was not there” (and, to tell the truth, the history of the Trojan is also denied by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office). Then, between one interception and the other, the chronicles narrate anti-law writings that appear on the walls of the Carroccio headquarters in Voghera (“Lega Salvini, and leave him tied”, even creative things) and of an immigrant who sends the same shit. Salvini attending a Florentine banquet for electoral matters. Still. The anti-lawyer day is enriched with a joyous symposium of young self-defined protesters such as the Mai brigade with Salvini; that the protesters deliver the silhouette of a clown crossed by a banner to the cameras of Tiggì to oppose the “arrival of the leader of the Northern League to the city for the trial on October 3 (by the ship Gregoretti, ed)” and the three days of the Carroccio scheduled in the Old Customs. “We are here, in Vecchia Dogana because for us renting this place to the Lega means selling our land to those who have insulted us for years and to those who use our city only to spread hatred and discrimination, while Catania, and all of Sicily, yes it has always been shown to be a living and welcoming land, “activist children announce to the world, using the investigation of the three accountants as a kind of social selection to raise people up against the barbarian bookbinder who went south to rape our dreams and steal the friable. hopes of the island, etc. etc. The investigation of the accountants, in short, extracts judicial pearls that enrich the narrative of the weekend. For example, in a testimony of Marco Ghilardi, former director of a Banca Ubi branch, and in an interrogation of Luca Sostegni, the alleged front man of the three professionals, they report a strange “opening of accounts in the name of the regional associations of Carroccio” and of finished money “. in the March 2018 elections». Indiscretions denied, however, by Sostegni’s lawyer, Giuseppe Alessandro Pennisi: “my client,” explains Adnkronos, “has never declared that the 800 thousand euros of the sale from the Cormano warehouse were used for the League’s electoral campaign in 2018. “In all this, Matteo Salvini, from Ariano Irpino, assures that he is not worried” because there is no reason to be.
Counteroffensive – The League, in the investigation, unfolds in a square phalanx. Even if the accountants, in particular Di Rubba and Manzoni, who are respectively the group’s auditor in the Senate and the group’s managing director in the House, were guilty, the blame would be solely and solely on them; and eventually, at the limit, the party that trusted them would be the injured party. And therefore the resistance to the “judicial assault still carried out at the perfect time” (says a former minister of the Carroccio) would be being organized, in fact, in the three-day meeting and conferences on the theme of justice from October 1 to 3 in Catania, site of the Salvini trial. «All confirmed: all parliamentarians and MEPs and regional, municipal and provincial leaders of the party are cordially invited to participate. It will be a great meeting of Pontida transferred to Sicily … », they tell us. A response of force that is also very electoral …