
Campania will be the red zone for Covid19 from tomorrow, but in Naples there are thousands of people on the street shopping or walking, as if it were Christmas Eve. Lots of young people on the streets of Vomero. Chaos between via Scarlatti and via Merliani due to a dispute. Municipal Police officers intervened to restore order that they have He stopped a woman wearing no mask and spat at the crowd. Blocked by cars through Tino da Camaino, the main artery leading to Vomero. Crowds also in piazza Rodinò, in the heart of Chiaia, the baretti district and in vico Querce in the historic center, a stone’s throw from piazza del Gesù Nuovo. “It seems – comments Gennaro Esposito, president of the city’s habitability committee – That the public has not yet understood the seriousness of the situation in hospitals. It almost seems that the inability of the institutions to unite is the excuse for citizens not fulfilling their duties of solidarity. Among the reports there are also young people who for no reason touch the intercoms ”.
Many checks, but thousands of people on the street
A few hours after the high-risk red-zone stroke in Campania, until now classified as a moderate-risk yellow zone, many people took to the streets, since the morning, to take a walk and take a breath of oxygen before blocking. Restaurants, bars, ice cream parlors and cafes burst in. The councilor of Forza Italia Stanislao Lanzotti comments “In Piazza rodino in Naples, 5 hours from the red light district, a city paralyzed like Christmas. Queues of cars and people everywhere.”
The Commander of the Naples Municipal Police, Ciro Esposito, launches the appeal to the Neapolitans: “Be responsible – he tells the agency Ansa – The behavior of all of us affects the health system, which is suffering at the moment, which could pay the consequences of bad decisions.” But the nightlife, on the last night before the blockade of movements and the closure of the premises, seems unstoppable. The controls have been in place since the period of application of the yellow zone – explains Commander Esposito – and also in recent months, but now with the red zone there will also be barricades and mobile controls. Necessary actions, but the collaboration of citizens is essential for the restrictive measures to achieve the objective ”.
“Vomero lives another Saturday of passion – comments New Years Gennaro, chairman of the Hillside Securities Committee – with the entire district in the grip of vehicular traffic and with the presence of a sheet metal snake that has been snaking all day between Piazza Medaglie d’Oro and Piazza Vanvitelli passing through Piazza degli Artisti, but also along via De Mura and via Carelli as well as via Bernini, via Stanzione and via Merliani, with presumable repercussions also on environmental pollution “.
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