MESTRE – An ugly post-Christmas surprise tonight, December 28, for thousands of families in Mestre who suddenly ran out of tap water. Veritas firefighters and switchboards were attacked just before 8 pm due to a sharp drop in pressure in the water supply.
The problem affects thousands of users in the areas of Favaro Veneto, Carpenedo, Miranese, San Marco, Piazza Ferretto, Chirignago, Terraglio, Cipressina, Zelarino, Gazzera and Bissuola. Problems too Center of Mestre and Trivignano. In many cases, the utilities are blocked.
Veritas teams are looking for the fault to initiate bypass maneuvers and isolate the rupture.
Veritas’ toll-free number is in a tailspin, and firefighters are also receiving hundreds of calls.
The fault would not be related to the weather conditions, but it is not known when it will be repaired: protests from users who cannot contact the breakdown service.
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Last updated: 21:02