Global healthcare will have Trentino to thank for the valuable scientific data from the Covid study, conducted in recent months. They were presented today by the Province the results of the epidemiological study carried out in recent months in 5 municipalities of Trentino to investigate the persistence of antibodies in subjects who had undergone intensive screening last September. In relation to the general director of the Sanitary Company Pierpaolo Benetollo, also the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza. And an important answer emerged from this study: people who have had Covid develop antibodies in large numbers, and these antibodies protect them from a new infection for a long time. In short, as Dr. Rezza recalled, “we found more antibodies than expected, and even after a long time.” Hence to say that an infected person is then effectively immune to relapse: “This is a fact that we still cannot affirm – said Rezza – but the results are also encouraging for the next vaccine, that if, as announced, it will have a more than 90% efficiency will allow us an excellent result.
The study was carried out in 5 “border” municipalities of Trentino – Borgo Chiese, Campitello di Fassa, Canazei, Pieve di Bono-Prezzo and Vermiglio – and it involved about 7,000 people, all smeared, and then checked (if positive) after a month. “An extraordinary number – said the director of the ministry – thanks also to the organization of the Health Authority. This has allowed us to carry out a study of vast proportions, precious for research in Italy, Europe and around the world. Meanwhile, it allowed us to define the limits of the infection, with a prevalence study: we know that the percentage of infected coronaviruses was around 20% at that time and that, nevertheless the fatality rate was 2%».
The antibody study, coordinated by Dr. Paola Stefanelli, showed that after a month of infection, the antibody markers of the viral capsid had been lost, but an antibody directed at the protein called “spike”, which is the outer shell of the virus.
For Dr. Rezza «this leads us to say that most virus positives are protected. But let’s not forget that serious cases of reinfection are reported in the world. We are cautious and above all we continue to use precautions and protections. The risk of relapse is perhaps lowbut it should not be underestimated. ‘