There are moments when you have to stop for a moment to reflect, put aside the frenzy of everyday media and political talk, the need to intervene on all issues, to give your opinion at all costs, supporting the perverse dynamics of social networks and having respect. . This is the case of the murder of Willy, a tragedy that strikes by brutality, by unprecedented and unjustified violence that must provoke a feeling of unity, the emergence of a community spirit – typical of the worst misfortunes – to condemn without justifications of an inhuman fact. Unfortunately, however, even in the face of death, in the absence of a human life, in addition to an innocent young man, there are those who manage to put aside the temptation to propagandize by exploiting a criminal history in which it has nothing to do. politics is void but it has much deeper causes rooted in the decline of our society.
Using the murder of young Willy to attack the right, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni, is a gesture that contributes to fostering a climate of hate and verbal violence from the very people who say they want to fight and condemn him. We are not faced with the usual obsession that leads to bringing out the Italian right in all situations or contexts, but we do lead to a lack of sensitivity and bad ethics if we end up dragging such murder into the political arena. Let’s be honest; Political justification, by blaming the right for creating the humus in which figures like the pack that killed Willy proliferate, is the easiest way, much easier to say that it is the fault of the right than to get to the bottom of the problems and wondering what the real reasons are that lead to these types of gestures. It is more convenient to sow doubt, without proof or evidence, saying that there were “four right-wing militants”, that “all this has two very specific principles, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni”, that they were “four extremists, of course Right.”
They are not comments from strangers on the web but from journalists, influencers, opinion leaders whose names we avoid repeating so as not to give greater visibility to those who want to give color to a tragedy that has deeply affected each of us. “Fostering hatred and racism in people leads to this”, writes Las Sardinas on its social channels, missing one more opportunity to go beyond that climate of opposition that poisons our society, the need to unite all of us in the face of pain without seeking exploitation. sickly and out of place. In the face of Willy’s murder, neither intellectual honesty nor professional ethics would be enough, an ethic that has it or that cannot be improvised would be needed. Overcoming the climate of hatred is to rediscover the necessary respect in the face of death, those who killed Willy are criminals, let’s call them by name and for once let’s put politics aside to ask for justice with more force and with one voice.