COVID-19 HEALED is still a MALE STAR, THAT’S WHY COMPLIANCEIt is not enough to be negative to 2 consecutive swabs to finally get out of the nightmare coronavirus. In fact, fear continues even after so many recovered from COVID-19
keep feeling bad.
Tiredness, shortness of breath, and muscle aches.. These are some of the sequels that the people declared recovered from coronavirus. The portal fanpage.it He conducted a survey by interviewing four people who, despite being negative for some time, continue to feel bad.
Patients who have noticed the traces that the disease has left on them still have some symptoms. Healed from coronavirus, are waiting to receive a diagnosis of the disorders that continue to suffer as a consequence, to try to remedy them or, at least, alleviate them. At the moment it is a daily malaise to which the doctors have not been able to respond.
What happens? “In the morning when I wake up”, says to one of the interviewees, “I feel like someone has hit me.” Every now and then I have to stop to catch my breath. “ Brunoinstead have pain in your back and lungsSee less, your hands are always swollen and you feel a tingling sensation. Stefania You have severe chest pain that does not go away and sometimes becomes more severe: “I am short of breath and have been diagnosed with arrhythmia. I also have a severe headache and rheumatic pains all over my body.”
The response of the doctors? “We doctors also want to know what the consequences are
coronavirus“, explained the Head of the Day Hospital of the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, Matteo Tosato. “Our evaluation is carried out with ultrasound, echocardiography and chest computed tomography, subjecting patients to specialist visits ”. And I add: “The most common sequelae that people have recovered from the coronavirus have are a persistent feeling of shortness of breath, fatigue, cough or gastrointestinal symptoms, even if the most feared complication is that of pulmonary fibrosis“.
In short, sometimes it is a endless nightmare, aside from simple influence, as many said.