This year, the nativity scene in Piazza San Pietro comes from Abruzzo: between art and ceramics


The artistic nativity scene and the large Christmas tree were inaugurated in Saint Peter’s Square which, as Pope Francis pointed out in the audience at the Vatican, “never like this year, are a sign of hope, for the Romans and for those pilgrims. they will have the opportunity. ” come and admire these ‘iconè de la Navidad’. The tree is a fir tree that is thirty years old and comes from Slovenia, a nation that has the same number of years of independence; the nativity scene is the work of the artistic institute of Castelli, a town in Abruzzo in the province of Teramo and an important center for ceramics.

For Marco Marsilio, President of the Abruzzo Region, “this monumental nativity scene testifies to the excellence of a tradition that for the Abruzzo is centuries old, also thanks to the living representations with hundreds of figures. Christian symbols are the foundation of our history: in a particularly difficult period due to the pandemic and social distancing, the Christmas holidays can make us rediscover the values ​​of family and solidarity.

Source: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev
