RomeMany schools closed still for ten days.
Although Premier Conte has confirmed the first day of classes until September 14, about next monday one in five schools in Rome will not open the doors again: too many problems to face, with school principals having been forced to ask for a postponement of the start date of the 2020-2021 academic year lessons which at this time will only resume after the referendum.
And in many municipalities of the Province of Rome and the Region it will be the same: on average 20% of schools will remain closed and especially in the area of South of Lazio troubling numbers are being played.
What is happening is the confirmation of the little organization at all levels: from the Ministry of Education to the municipalities themselves, which in many cases have not provided the schools with the support they need. And we wonder what will change by postponing the resumption of lessons until after the referendum: only ten days will be enough, considering that it will still be necessary to organize voting operations, to solve the problems that prevent the reopening of schools?
Schools closed in Rome: here are which ones
There have been many intense days for the schools of the Capital: talks by the rectors stuck, information sent to the institutions, discussions with the parents who have signed the stewardship agreement.
Situations that in many cases take several days to resolve, also because schools need new desks to reorganize. Mario rusconi, president of the association of the presidents of Rome and Lazio, has attacked the local administration, since Rome Capital, despite the widespread problems, has opted for “leave all responsibility with the schools”.
And that is why many schools in the capital have requested don’t come back on monday september 14, postponing the reopening until after the referendum of September 20 and 21.
For other schools, as for the plexus Crispi by IC Largo Oriani, the postponement is only a few days: the resumption of lessons, in fact, should be postponed until September 16 due to the prolongation of the investigations by the engineering service.
20% of schools run the risk of reopening only in the week after the referendum: in detail, requests for help came from all over the capital, as from state secondary school “Vittorio Gassman” of Primavalle, the comprehensive institution “Pio La Torre” of Torrevecchia, the institution of higher education “Giorgi-Woolf of Viale Togliatti and theIC Fabiola in Monteverde.
These are some of the Institutes that should not reopen next Monday but the situation is constantly updated since the request has come from many schools, from Ostia a Fiumicino, and only in the next few hours will official decisions be made.
Schools also closed in the province and throughout Lazio
Meanwhile, many municipalities in the province of Rome and the Lazio region have opted for postpone the reopening of schools until after the referendum. This is the case, for example, of Colleferro, Ciampino me Frosinone (where in the province the schools of Cassino, Anagni me Sora), lie to Latin About 9 out of 10 schools are expected to close on Monday to reopen between September 24 and 25.
In the province of Latina, the schools of Sabaudia, Formia, Terracina me Gaeta.
Returning to the province of Rome, we find the same situation at Valmontone, Signs, Labico me Artena, and in the last hours the order of Municipality of Anzio which postpones the reopening.
In ReatinoHowever, the outlook seems less complicated given that only small municipalities have decided to postpone, such as Melon in Sabina, Casperia me Native Poggio.