this is what the government and the unions have decided


Pension reform: the meeting between Government and unions where the future of the social security system was discussed. Was a preliminary meeting since we are not talking about numbers but only about the intention of wanting to give a measure of flexibility that can replace Quota 100 upon expiration of the trial period.

No figures have been released, but the government has announced that the next pension reform will have to cost less of the measure desired by the League and must foresee fairer tools.

In fact, at yesterday’s meeting, the Bankruptcy Fee 100: As can be seen from the INPS data, in fact, this measure has favored men and public workers who have had a continuous career, but it has left out many women.

However, despite the fact that the result obtained was lower than expected, Quota 100 will not be canceled one year in advance. This has also been confirmed for 2021 and will cease, according to initial plans, only at the end of experimentation.

However, there is a problem to be solved and in yesterday’s meeting the foundations were laid to do so: with the stoppage of the experimental Quota 100 mechanism, one will be created. five year ladder for those who will not be able to retire at age 62 using the last useful window and therefore will have to wait until they are 67 years old. In this regard, the Government has made it clear what is the hypothesis on which we can work in the coming weeks: a Odds 102 with exit sanctions for those who decide to anticipate access to retirement.

Pensions: the Government’s solution for after Quota 100

The preferred solution of the Government is the one that responds to the name of Odds 102.

With this, in fact, to be able to access the pension it will be necessary to wait for the end of the 64 years old, always in front of 38 years of contributions as it is today for Quota 100. Therefore, if Quota 102 were the chosen solution, the ladder that would be created at the end of Quota 100 would be reduced by being only two years old.

However, it must be said that unlike Quota 100, this new measure also provides for a cut the check. In detail, the Government has thought about a cut in the 2.8% -3% of the contribution fee only of the pension. In this way, there would be no greater penalties for those who are now on the threshold of retirement, that is, for those who have more than 60 years, since for these – having been born in the 60s – they have the pension calculated with the mixed model where the contribution applies only for the years after 2012. The cut, therefore, would be quite limited and there would be who knows what penalty in the future pension check.

Pensions: the other alternatives after Quota 100

In the desire to provide even more anticipated flexible results, the government should necessarily provide some major cuts about future pension allowance. For example, we speak of a fully contributory recalculation of the check, which would have many disadvantages for those born in the 1960s.

The same treatment would be reserved for what is the preferred proposal by the unions: Odds 41 for all, since they believe that those workers who have reached this level of contribution, that is, 41 years, should retire regardless of age. Regarding this proposal, the Government has always said no, given the cost that such a measure would have, however, when putting on the table a recalculation of the check contribution, it would be willing to discuss it.
