CORONAVIRUS: VACCINE, this is the Italian VOLUNTEER who did the anti-COVID TESTS. This is what it revealed
The doctor. Antonio Metastasio, the Italian volunteer for the new coronavirus vaccine.He spoke publicly about Italian volunteer who did the test of coronavirus vaccine. It is about Antonio Metastasio, one 44-year-old National Health Psychiatrist, British of Teramo origin: it is one of the 50 thousand volunteers who are testing the anti-COVID cure, proposed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford and who has just received the “withdrawal”.
He stated that he was fine, had no problems and said live your life in an absolutely normal way, with the sole condition of submitting to the tampon once a week.
But how works this administration? It takes place in the so-called “double blind” mode, under which neither the volunteer nor the doctors know the true nature of the substance injected, that is, if it really is the vaccine or a placebo.
Antonio remained calm even when he discovered a adverse reaction in a volunteer, as aware that the thing is possible, since we are talking about a case in only more than 50 thousand people (is a side effect with negligible probability in any case).
His life is the same as before, he has no restrictions and he is free to do anything, with the sole condition of test yourself weekly, to see if you possibly have get coronavirus or not. You are very happy with your choice as you think it is interesting and useful for all mankind: could do it because it turned out to be one healthy person, without pathologies and at a non-critical age.
He and all examinees trustreal vaccine goodness.