
It is not orange but almost. The tonality is that of a yellow with an increasingly dark intensity to face the advance of the coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna: however, awaiting the verdict of the Ministry of Health and the CTS that tomorrow will review the data of the epidemic to evaluate and update the colors. of the various regions. The chromatic leap is at stake, much depends on the national assessments that Rome constantly updates.
Certainly, however, the new provisions that the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, will present today signing a restrictive order shared with the other governors Luca Zaia (Veneto) and Massimiliano Fedriga (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) will introduce more limitations: among these, almost certainly the obligation to consume at the table of bars and restaurants , also limiting the number of clients allowed; the closure of medium and large retail parks on weekends, to fill the void that had allowed some shopping malls to remain open; the closing of the dehors (in this sense, Friuli should be for example); and perhaps there are also limits to the movement of people between municipalities, at least on weekends. Based on the rumors, the provision could also contain recommendations for merchants, such as encouraging the entry of people over 65 in the early hours of the morning and any type of public event will be delayed.
The goal is always the same, avoid crowds.:. “We must stop the spread of infections – explains Bonaccini – if we do not want to resign ourselves to a burden that will become unsustainable for the health system, to the total blocking of school activities and work limited only to essential services.”
After a long day that saw him face With the prefects, the municipalities and the provinces, there were still some details to be filed and aligned with what was established together with comrades Zaia and Fedriga. Today the various public order and security committees will meet in Bologna and other capitals. “After having also listened to our health management, I had confirmation of the need to introduce new measures to counteract the spread of Covid – stresses Bonaccini -. In particular, to avoid meetings. I also believe that stricter controls with relative penalties are necessary for those who insist on breaking the rules. The governor is concerned about the escalation of the infection. “The growing emergency situation, which is reflected in the influx of emergencies and hospitalizations in the Covid rooms of hospitals, unfortunately demands greater restrictions on activities,” he adds. Just as the responsibility and care that the vast majority of citizens continue to show cannot be annulled by the irresponsibility of a minority ”.
Meanwhile, the Region warns citizens about a false message that circulates on WhatsApp posed as a direct appeal by Bonaccini: the messages were reported to the Postal Police to locate those responsible. The invitation is always to have the official communication channels.
November 12, 2020 (change November 12, 2020 | 10:31)