How come decided on the red, yellow and orange zones? Silvio Brusaferro, president of theHigher Institute of Health, during the press point live from Palazzo Chigi. The clarification, in addition to clarifying the reasons that led to the division of the Regions, also wants to appease the souls of governors of the Regions included in the red band, which in the last hours they started protesting, also threatening to challenge the provision.
The president of the ISS opened his speech stating that “we do not have updated data, the control room produces them weekly, they will be produced in the next days, in the next 48 hours approximately “Precisely for this reason, as Prime Minister Conte had already anticipated, the decision was based on latest available data.
How the red, yellow and orange zones are decided
Ironbrusher turned on himepidemiological trend of the pandemic in our country, noting that: “There was a first phase in which we modeled the curve, a second in which the curve decreased and remained that way for a long time, then there are the following phases that await us in the future”. The rules imposed by the Government with the latest DPCM are precisely the result of current phase management that is, that of “Transition and modulation, in which there are outbreaks in which it is necessary to control diffusion, returning it to more controllable values or a more controlled speed, to be able to face the next few months while waiting to be able to place ourselves in phase 3”.
Based on this, some various measures contention that you adapt to risk levels reported in the different Regions. Specifically, the Director of Prevention of the Department of Health, Gianni Rezza, specified that several indicators were taken into account “come incidence, Rt index, bed occupancy: If there is a region with seemingly few cases and high employment in intensive care, that is a region that suffers. This is data that must be read in its entirety. Data referring to incidence, Rt and Resilience“. Regarding the division of the Regions, by virtue of the maximum prudence, added the director of the ISS, the Rt index was evaluated at its lowest level.
Brusaferro also denounced the case of Aosta Valley, explaining that for some time he had indicated a delay in the transmission of data related to the epidemiological situation, so he showed certain trouble handling the emergency which led to it being classified as a red zone.
Regions that have been classified as red or orange will stay that way for at least 14 days, while the yellow ones could change their status depending on the tendency of infections that could arise during the week.
How data analysis is done
The treatment of the data takes into account a large number of protagonists, this guarantees having a painting how much more need ed comprehensive. Data collection begins locally from ASLs, which collect the data and forward it to the various membership regions. After this first phase, everything is transmitted to the Ministry of Health and the ISS, which collects and analyzes the data through the control room.
“From the intersection of these you come to one matrix that places the territory analyzed by a risky situation very low to very high “ Ironbrush specified, specifying that precise scenarios are outlined, that “They also determine the speed at which the infection is transmitted in the population. On August 12, the circular with these scenarios was issued and then a prevention and response document for the fall and winter period to the Covid-19 infection was shared “.

In this document it emerged that some Regions were facing a high risk in recent weeks, while in others the risk was moderate. “On this basis, each Region then shared this assessment and formally received an elaboration regarding the described model from the Ministry of Health. That has been in operation for 24 weeks and is always widely shared “Ferrobrush concluded.