PIEDMONT – The Piedmont Region Health Department sent the update of the operational guidelines for the management of positive cases of coronavirus in schools. The provision, signed by the director of the Inter-company Department of Health Emergencies, Carlo Picco, by the scientific director of Dirmei, Giovanni di perri, by the Commissioner of the Administrative Legal Area of the Crisis Unit, Antonio Rinaudo and by the person in charge of the Prevention Sector, Bartolomeo Griglio, applies the new circular of the Ministry of Health in light of the evolution of the epidemiological picture in the regional territory and the exponential increase in the number of requests for diagnostic tests mainly related to the school environment. In particular, it is anticipated that swabs cannot be performed without a reservation by the pediatrician of free choice or the GP, while the measures to be adopted in the presence of positive cases are remodeled according to the indications summarized below.
Student tested positive with a swab after a school report
– immediate isolation of the subject for 14 days
– the cohabitants will be subjected to a swab within 4-7 days (times compatible with the incubation of the disease);
– if the partner’s swab gives a negative result, there are no symptoms and the logistical conditions of the house guarantee the isolation of the infected subject it will be possible to adopt the active quarantine call (exclusively at home, home work) with active surveillance always for 14 days;
– immediate quarantine for all classmates for 14 days; provision by the Department of Prevention of quarantine with passive surveillance for companions;
– Family members of classmates in the positive subject who are close contacts are not subject to any restrictions, if there are no symptoms compatible with COVID 19 or indications of an epidemiological nature;
– immediate quarantine for school workers; On the basis of anamnestic and epidemiological evaluations, they can be classified as either “close contact” or “casual contact”; in the first case, according to what was reported for the companions, they will be quarantined for 14 days; in the second case, they will be subjected to swabbing in 4-7 days (times compatible with the incubation of the disease) and, in the case of negative swabbing and in the absence of symptoms, it will be possible to adopt the so-called active quarantine (exclusively at home, work- home) with active surveillance always for 14 days.
Student tested positive with symptoms detected at home
In the event that the moment of appearance of the symptoms manifested by the student allows the exclusion of school participation, that is,More than 48 hours have passed since the last school attendance., the following measures apply:
– immediate isolation of the subject for 14 days
– the cohabitants will be subjected to a swab within 4-7 days (times compatible with the incubation of the disease);
– If the swab gives a negative result, there are no symptoms and the logistical conditions of the house guarantee the isolation of the infected subject, it will be possible to adopt the so-called active quarantine (exclusively at home, work at home) with active surveillance always for 14 days.
In the event that it is not possible to exclude the school’s participation, the measures referred to in the previous point will be applied.
School worker tested positive for swab at school
– immediate isolation of the subject for 14 days
– the cohabitants will be subjected to a swab within 4-7 days (times compatible with the incubation of the disease);
– If the swab gives a negative result, there are no symptoms and the logistical conditions of the house guarantee the isolation of the infected subject, it will be possible to adopt the so-called active quarantine for cohabitants (exclusively at home, work at home) with active surveillance;
– if preventive measures are respected, no quarantine measures are applied to students or other school operators;
– in the event of a well-founded suspicion of non-compliance with anticovidity measures, students in classes and school operators identifiable as close contacts will be quarantined;
– For the relatives of those mentioned, as they are close contacts, the previous provisions will apply.
In general, when resources permit, diagnostic swabs can continue to be done in classrooms to trace contacts to increase the likelihood of identifying new outbreaks.
The 14-day quarantine and not the alternately scheduled 10-day quarantine applies until rapid tests are availableSince, in the current context, in the absence of the rapid test, the possible physiological delays both in the execution of the swabs and in the response of the laboratories, could nullify the benefits related to the reduction of the quarantine to 10 days.