This is how China brands thousands of Italians to increase their influence


More than four thousand names. From Renzi to Ferrero, from Berlusconi to Merloni. And then fathers, mothers, peers and companions of political leaders. Even his newly grown children. Among those of “special interest”: the drug trafficker Rocco Morabito, along with members of the Camorra, ‘Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra. Suspected Islamic terrorists residing in Italy were also censored

A private company collects detailed information abroad about politicians, their families, people of public interest, members of institutions, criminals. All in the name of Beijing. And also in Italy. This is what emerges from the analysis of a gigantic database obtained by Foglio together with other international newspapers such as the Telegraph, the Sunday Times, the Indian Express, the Globe and Mail and the Australian Financial Review. Okidb, Oversea Key Information DataBase, is a tool available for Beijing built by the Zhenhua company of Shenzhen City, whose website, china–, appears to have been offline for a few days.

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